After 30 years of panhandulation, the cop helps the man to demonstrate the truth about his identity

People do not realize how lucky they are before losing these basic equipment they are provided from birth. They often take their

People do not realize how lucky they are before losing these basic equipment they are provided from birth. They often take their loved ones for granted. But there are some people who understand the true meaning of having a family because they do not have one. These homeless may seem dirty but their insert back is sufficient to shake you from within. Mick Myers was one of the unfortunate homeless and there was no end to his tragedies. But then, a strange turn of destiny has changed his life forever.

Describing the situation

When Mick Myers grew up, he described his situation as "living a life as only as a person could be." Shortly after finishing school, he lost all contacts with his friends. But he struck the bottom of the rock when he lost a person he felt really close to. He was broken when his separate ways from his mother. What would he do now? When he was young, he came to know that he was adopted. And that seemed to be the perfect explanation as to why he never felt felt felt connected to his siblings or his family. Although this revelation has not helped it in any way. When his adoptive parents died, all his brothers and sisters turned on him.

A work

His brothers and sisters gave any part of the wealth that his parents had left. He has now had to find a job to stay. Soon, he even had a truck driver job. Many people could consider this monotonous work but Mick was happy with that. Mick had always been a lonely while the work seemed perfect.Finally, after so many years, he was enjoying his life. He did not have to depend on others to pay his bills or if he had to buy something. He was happy and happy, but it seemed that destiny was always tested his patience. This time it was even worse. What could have happened?Obstacles are part of life. These obstacles make us strong and shape us in the person we always wanted to become. But that does not always happen. And in the case of Mick, these obstacles just broke him from within. He had suffered a lot since his childhood. And if that was not enough, an accident happened that not only shocked him, but also forced him to come on the road.


It was a luminous day in January when he was unloaded from the hospital. The nurses and the doctors were happy that finally, he was able to walk alone but on the other hand, Mick had just thought where he was going now. He picked up his business and when he made a picture of his adoptive parents fell on the ground, he picked it up. His eyes were full of tears, he hastily escaped the hospital and sat under the shadow of the tree. That day he finally cried his eyes. After making a part-time job for a few months, he again had to leave his part-time job as his health deteriorated more. Now he had left no source of income. He started using his savings to pay for his medications and other bills. Soon that too started to exhaust. What would he do now?

A beggar

When he had not left penny in his pocket, he was expelled from the apartment by the owner. Now he had no place to go and no food to eat. Myers had no choice but to become a beggar if he wanted to live. He started playing the guitar in the street to collect money. And with this money, he used to buy us food. Even after a few years of guitar in the street, he always begs. Would there be a change? It was one of the cold mornings of December and the year 2017. As usual, Myers Irame in the street when he met a local police officer on a highway in Hayward, California. The police officer used to patrol this area and he had run several times. So what was different that day?

Help him out

After knowing that Myers had no document, the task appeared to be quite difficult. He was housed to this revelation that a man spent most of his life without identity. He told myers: "You have someone to help you now. I will help you get a piece of identification, so you can get social security and get out of the streets. How would he help him? The investigator contacted Myers and Swalwell and proposed a plan to follow Myers' family. But Mick Myers was worried if his family members would be alive and even if they were why he would recognize him after leaving him at the hospital to another couple. Nevertheless, men started their investigation with a motive to find something that could make Mick's life better.

Categories: Birth
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