33 best house remedies for allergies

Allergies are one of the most common afflictions around the world. It is estimated that it affects millions of people around the world. Allergies or allergic diseases

Allergies are one of the most common afflictions around the world. It is estimated that it affects millions of people around the world. Allergies or allergic diseases are a type of conditions caused by a hypersensitivity of the immune system to otherwise harmless substances in food or the environment.

The main causes

There are so many causes of allergies that can certainly ruin your day and give you problems. Some things like dust mites, household chemicals, pollen, hair hair, skin flakes, milk, wheat, eggs, seafood, nuts, bites d 'bees, latex, certain types of drugs and many others can result in an allergic reaction. You must pay attention to these things.

Symptoms may include red eyes, a rash, a flowing nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, hives, vomiting, bloating, fever, swelling, etc. It should not be confused with food intolerances that are another type of disease, usually caused by the lack of specific chemicals needed to digest certain components of food.

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Although many times both go hand in hand, like poorly digested or transformed foods, can cause a mixture of the immune system. In this respect, because allergies are so banal nowadays, here are the 34 of the most effective house recourse in different kinds of allergies:


Curcuma has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also reinforces and regulates the immune system. This will help reduce inflammation if allergic symptoms have already begun and also modulating the immune response, to temper reaction to incriminated chemical, thus reducing discomfort. You can mix it with food, but the most practical method would be to put ½ to 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk or tea.



This compound is a Flavonol plant and is in many fruits, vegetables, grains and leaves. The most practical way would be to complement with it because it is much easier to get the amount required for your body. But how does it work for you may be wondering? Well, it has an extraordinary capacity to stabilize the mast cells and facilitate the process of liberation of histamine. Histamines are chemicals that your body releases when he thinks he's attacked by a foreign substance. In this case, harmless food or environmental factors. So, give a quercetin a try.



Spirulina is an algae that has amazing features. It contains proteins, B vitamins and essential minerals. It can detoxify your heavy metal body, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, boost energy consumption and even possess antioxidant and anticancer properties. More importantly, it can appease allergic symptoms, especially allergic rhinitis, modulating the differentiation and modulation of your t-assistant cell. These are the cells of your immune system that help remove or regulate immune responses and are of great importance to understand allergic reactions.



Nettle leaves can be very effective at the processing of seasonal and chronic allergies. It acts as a natural antihistamine, thus blocking the ability of your body to produce histamines. It acts in the same way as anti-histamines especially, but in a softer and natural way than chemically produced drugs. This will offer many allergy symptoms. You can refroch from the water and make tea on the dried leaves or a more practical approach would be to complete with nettle capsules, which are more concentrated and are easier to ingest. The only thing would be to make sure you use a standardized extract to know the quality and quantity of what you are taking. In addition, consult your doctor to make sure it suits you.



The garlic contains a powerful compound called allicin, which has antiseptic properties, thus having antibiotic traits. It is also very effective for stimulating and modulating your immune system, which interests us when conversing allergies. Not to mention its anti-inflammatory characteristic, which will sharp all the ongoing symptoms. The garlic is quite surprising and just like the compounds above, it can be completed or taken in natural form. If you want to go for the first, simply buy a good capsulated excerpt and follow the instructions on the label. If you want to go for the latter, take a cool garlic clove and cut two thin slices. Place them inside each cheek and suck them like a cough pill. The aftertaste will not be the biggest but it is sure it's effective.


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