A man uses a rock as a door exit for decades without knowing his true value

David Mazurek loves nature. That's why he bought a farm in Michigan. But it was not just the farm he got, he was also at the door by the old

David Mazurek loves nature. That's why he bought a farm in Michigan. But it was not just the farm he obtained that he also received a door taken by the former owner. The door was used to hold the hangar door. And the former owner also had a story. The man did not know that the rock he had reluctantly accepted the farmer was going to change his life for good.

A farm

Mazurek had bought the property in 1988. The owner of the property showed him all the farm. It was a vast beautiful lot full of green. No doubt he had decided to buy the property, but the owner took him to the hip of the farm.

Ordinary hangar

The hangar was very ordinary in appearance. Mazurek was walking in the hangar when something caught his attention. There was a rock placed in a corner of the door. It was a door. The man had seen a lot of people using the rock as a door, but this one was very different.

A door door?

Mazurek felt drawn by the rock. He had to ask the farmer of the rock. And the farmer answered his question. The farmer responded with total simplicity. Well, his answer was enough to put the man to unbeliever.

Meteorite, really?

The farmer said: "A meteorite". The farmer said that without any trace of astonishment in his tone. We asked how he found the man told the incident when he looked at the fall of the meteorite with his own eye.

History of the past

The incident took place a long time ago. He looked at a rock falling from the sky with his father. This breathtaking incident occurred in the 1930s. The rock scratched on their land.


He remembered: "It made a devil of a noise when he struck." However, they were not sure what they really saw. They were waiting until the next morning to see what had shot down the sky on their land.

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