The bus driver notices something on the boy's feet and does something heroic

Thousands of people use public transport daily to travel from one place to another. And for most trips, everyone prefers a bus because it

Thousands of people use public transport daily to travel from one place to another. And for most trips, everyone prefers a bus because it is convenient and cheap. It's not just a bus driver job is easy or something we all know that this work is not something that is filled with all kinds of enthusiasts. So, why do we speak even? This is because the life of the driver of this bus has completely changed when he has encountered new faces on his bus he had not seen before. This story would change the way you saw bus drivers. There are so many things in this story that it does not feel that it happened in reality. Let's see who were these two new strangers who changed everything for the bus driver.

A typical day

Nobody ever sleeps in the night knowing what would happen the next day. Even the bus driver expected nothing, because he never saw anything unreality throughout his career. But that day he met the most incredible event of his life. He was not ready to accept something like that in his life, but then things happen when they are supposed to happen.

The regulars

Bus drivers have a very specific route on which they lead daily. And because they follow the same route every day, some passengers who lead to work or school and these people the bus driver duration are called "regulars". Because these regulars go to work every day and like the bus, they also follow the same route to reach the destination. It is this common way between regulars and drivers who have forced them to faces that travel daily and because of this, they can easily spot a stranger. That day, this bus driver saw two people he knew was not regulars. So who were they?

Daily life on the road

Tim Watson a bus driver from the transport valley in San Francisco has always pays attention to his passengers. Sitting in the driving headquarters, he makes sure he checks on the passengers to go and get out of his bus. Some of them had even become his friends. But when he saw these two passengers, he knew they were not about. So who were they?

Friendly driver

People liked Tim and every time they arrive on and out of the bus, they had a smile on their faces and always tried to catch up before damaging the bus. Tim often answers you by saying things like "pay attention" or "enjoy your day". In return, they would like him the same thing and his safety on the road.

First passengers

That day, Tim led on his regular route. The day was going well and it worked as well as possible. Then, on a bus stop, a man and a boy walked in his bus, looking at Tim could say that something bothered them both, but as he was busy driving the bus, he would not have jumped any conclusion. To keep a check on his passengers, he looked at them through the back view.

Ocular contact

Tim was sure that these two foreigners entered his bus were not his regulars. The man who seemed to be in mid-twenties was very disturbed. He held the boy's hand very tight because he did not want the boy to go anywhere. They both chose to sit in the average row of the bus. Clearly, something was not right with both. More than the guy, Tim was worried about the little child who was clearly not lifted for a bus, then Tim thought the kids are like that.

Categories: Birth
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