8 rules of a healthy diet we can forget

There are a number of myths and half-truths around the healthy and balanced catering. So let's go together to look at some of the most common assembled lifestyle rules.

It constantly shows that different rules of healthy eating that applied today do not have to pay today. Science of knowledge of the human body is always forward, so there is a number of guaranteed rules that do not really apply. If we are talking about a healthy diet, you will certainly get a lot of fruits, vegetables and fresh food. However, the right access to a healthy lifestyle is not only dependent on the type of food, but also on other factors. There are a number of myths and half-truths around the healthy and balanced catering. So let's go together to look at some of the most common assembled lifestyle rules.

Evening meal

Certainly the biggest mistake is to determine a certain hour, after which nothing can be eaten. The last meal of the day is heavily dependent on a particular person and what he does during the day. It can suit someone eating soon and someone again late at night. It is only dependent on whether the last meal of the day does not experience indigestion. According to it, you know when you can still, and when you shouldn't eat anything.

Drink more water

Today we know that determining the exact daily water intake for all people does not make sense because each human body is set individually. What you need to drink every day, determines many factors such as individual physical needs, diet, current weather, or season. First and foremost, it is most important to listen to your body, which itself determines how much water needs to drink every day.

Industrial foods

Industrial foods are synonymous with unhealthy food. Nowadays, however, we also series all those that are associated with at least one additional ingredient between these foods. These include canned and pasteurized foods. Industrial foods so necessarily do not mean worse quality for our organism.

Eat in peace

Of course, if you serve your food on your desk and you sit down to it, you will have greater enjoyment from food. However, it is not an inevitable rule of healthy diet. There is not enough time for a long rest at a modern recruitment time at a table with food. So if you go exclusively healthy food, they don't care if you eat at the table or while walking on the bus.

Cooked vegetables

Fresh vegetables are definitely the most basic food for the human body. However, this does not mean that the cooked vegetables are coming on their precious fabric. With the latest research, we know that, for example, steamed tomatoes contain more beneficial substances than that fresh. Likewise, the steamed or cooked carrot contains more carotene than the carrot fresh. Thus, vegetables are suitable for all ways.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruits are sometimes referred to as the ideal snack, especially on the road. If you can, definitely indulge the fruit fresh. In particular, the dried fruit purchased often contains added syrups and sweeteners. If you like to dry the fruit at home, you should know that drying from the fruit disappears up to 80% of vitamins and antioxidants. So if you have the option, choose Fresh Fruit.

Low fat products

Many people, especially those who begin to hold a diet, will be at the beginning of the purchase of exclusively low-fat products. Although such products contain less fats, but are definitely not a healthier alternative. Fats need to be replaced in the product, and in addition, these products contain vitamins that are soluble only in fats. With the choice of so-called Light products, you will lose these important vitamins.


Regular diet is certainly its logic, but today's experts are already inclined to the fact that every metabolism is individual and only your body can recognize the right moment when you need to eat. So someone can suit eating smaller servings more times a day and someone else is more sits more serving, but less frequently. Also, you will ever get to situations where you are so busy that you don't miss normal food - in which case you don't have any remorse.

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