6 most common chronic diseases of Bohemia

Of course, Chronic Diseases do not avoid Czechs. Only over time changing the type of these diseases because they are closely related to the lifestyle, which has changed in the last 50 years.

Chronic disease is such a disease that is not sudden, extends quite a long time and accompanies the population during a large part of life. Most chronic diseases can be avoided in advance. It helps this particularly a healthy life style, that is, enough movement and varied and healthy diet. It can simply be said that chronic diseases are not only one particular organ in the patient's body, but it is more of more factors that influence each other and thus harm the body. Of course, Chronic Diseases do not avoid Czechs. Only over time changing the type of these diseases because they are closely related to the lifestyle, which has changed in the last 50 years. What most common chronic diseases in the Czech Republic do we have?

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Hypertension is a medical expression for increased blood pressure. At elevated pressure, we are more than 140/90 in cases where the patient is repeatedly measured. During hypertension, blood clogs occur, which are more prone to burst. A certain form of hypertension suffers almost a quarter of our population, but the vast majority of patients have blood pressure under control thanks to drugs that can reduce pressure. Untreated high blood pressure leads to heart failure or cerebral events. Measures of the so-called triggers of this chronic disease include overweight, lack of movement, smoking, but also genetic heritage.

Back pain

Chronic back pain suffers in the Czech Republic 20% I can and nearly 25% of women. And actually it is neither a surprise. There are bad working habits in the big most cases behind back pain. Especially the sedentary office employment, which is doing more and more people today, they are very unhealthy for your back. However, this does not mean that back pain does not have a solution. If you improperly bend your back every day on a working chair, so you must definitely focus on the right exercise with which you will advise you physiotherapist.


Obesity is certainly a big problem especially in the advanced part of the world. The gradual retreat physically demanding work and the transition to a sedentary way of life automatically carries problems, associated with increasing body weight and to all complications that are connected with the thickness. However, for obesity, it is especially a bad diet, which is mainly formed by industrially produced foods, bold and salty meals. Obesity is a very serious problem, and even if they do not always be a cosmetic defect, so even though it represents a great health risk.

Heart diseases

The heart disease is worth almost a third of deceased Bohemia. Although this share may seem very high at first glance, even 20 years ago it was much larger. Heart disease is a very serious problem because it is an irreplaceable and extremely important organ in our body. The most common problem of heart failure is a chronically ischemic heart disease. It is simply said to be a heart muscle. Of course, cardiac diseases can be preceded by a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a varied diet, having cholesterol and blood pressure under control, sports and avoid stress.


Cancer or malignant tumors have the death of the quarter of the population in the Czech Republic. The most common form of cancer is lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer or rectum and pancreas cancer. Despite the constant development of health care, cancer is still a big scarecrow for many people. Basic triggers of cancons are not entirely known, but even in this case, it is very beneficial and useful to adhere to a healthy way of life. This means especially enough movement and healthy and varied diet.


Diabetes or diabetes is a long-term chronic disease that manifests itself increased glucose levels in the patient's blood, which is called hyperglycemia. This civilization disease cannot be completely cured, but if you follow a healthy way of life and prescribed treatment, they may not have a great impact on your life. If you want to have diabetes under control, you must stick to these rules - follow the specified diet by the doctor, trying to be adequately active and learn to relax and meditate. Untreated diabetes demonstrably leads to serious health complications that may end and death.

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