Men's Food Systems: All you need to know for weight loss

Information on different dieting for men

Mitigation or weight loss is not a desire for women, but is a healthy desire in the first place, in anyone. The men may actually be less interested in them, but this does not eliminate the importance of looking for the right text and getting rid of obesity, because they are associated with several diseases.

There are many easy ways to avoid weight gain, such as snacks, sports or follow-up diet, and whatever your choice, you will need to take certain precautions to make sure that your diet effects are long and do not affect your health. And make sure that the food diets offered by programs and internet are not all effective and miraculous. To help you vision more clearly, we offer you the principles of the six most famous and effective food systems.

Atkins Diet

The Atkins Food System excludes all carbohydrates, so it is free of starch, pulses, fruits, milk, desserts and alcohol. On the other hand, vegetables and foods are rich in proteins and fats according to desire (meat, fish, eggs and non-sweet dairy products).

His advantages are primarily in rapid weight loss, and the absence of hunger, as it is very easy to follow up in restaurants. On the other hand, he has some negatives because of a lack of antioxidant vitamins (vitamin Q, minerals and food, as well as the appearance of fatigue and depression.

Healthy diet

It is a low-calorie balanced diet that meets daily nutrient requirements. This system is custom and appropriate for many; It takes into account food tastes, life rhythm, physical activity, as well as potential patients (cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure).

The meals are very diverse, allowing you to eat healthy and delicious foods now, but the downside of this diet is that weight loss is a bit slow but at the same time long-term work can gain correct diet habits and keep them.


The Mediterranean System depends on a lifestyle including healthy eating, exercise and moments of entertainment and fun to celebrate each moment in life. Often synonymous for good health and longevity.

This system is mainly made of food from vegetarian sources such as bread, grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds and pulses. Proteins come from cheese, eggs, meat and fish that are consumed in small quantities, moreover, high fat systems are more efficient for heart health from systems containing

Little fatty materials.

Protein rich diet

This diet is possible under medical supervision and a very short period of time and is mainly prompt to people who need weight quickly for surgery. Or those who need a small batch to start their weight loss. The Dokan system is another example of protein rich diet.

In general, meals consist of protein food or industrial mixture based on protein powder, vitamins and minerals. Which is found in some authorized fruits and vegetables. The results of this diet are immediate but require medical follow-up.

ChronoTrition time feeding

Based on the principle of time biology, time feeding makes it possible to consume all foods that are usually prohibited but in time. According to Dilapus, innovative this diet, no food is useful if consumed according to the biological clock.

Syndicate diet

Diet is a quick way to lose weight continues for only four days. During these few days, the strict food program allows consumption of fat-free proteins and vegetables and only a few sugar fruits. This losing diet is 4 kg in 4 days. A weekly diet must be followed by calorie. This diet depends on meat and vegetable consumption (low calorie) and protein-rich meals. Thus reduce fat and carbohydrates (sugars) are the basic rhythms of this diet.

There are many other dietary systems such as: fasting, keto diet, Hollywood diet ... and others, but to keep your weight continuously, you only need to follow good health habits for food, keep away from tension and practice physical activity regularly.

Note: Do not follow these dumps without consult your own doctor.

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