8 errors that can scare your partner flee

In the relationship of the couple, it is always very important to understand oneself and then make efforts to understand its partner.

That the relationship is barely started or has a history of several years, we always want to have a perfect relationship. It is normal to want to always want life always in pink, but in this goal is not only tiring and counterproductive but in great action not realistic. Perfection does not exist, so calm down and live the moment. If you feel good in your relationship and you are on the same wavelength as your partner regarding the basic principles of your relationship, then you already have something valuable! It is important to understand oneself and then make efforts to understand its partner and, since there is always room to improve, we have identified the 8 main errors that must be avoided to avoid from Flee your partner.

Be too centered on oneself

First attitude that keeps the partner away: do not pay attention to his needs and think only of oneself. Focusing only on its own desires, needs or concerns prevent the way the other feels things and, therefore, quickly undermines the relationship. One of the worst things for a couple is to be in different wavelengths. So that life to two works with ease, one must come out of oneself to go towards the other and evolve together.

Take too much need for attention

By paying too much attention, wanting to be constantly reassured but also jealousy are part of the harmful attitudes that destroy the couple. Do not receive immediate response to a message for example or be jealous / jealous stifles the partner and hurts you all, because you are poisoned by doubts. Living moments alone, with your family or your own friends is very important to keep a good balance in your relationship.

Do not have one's own secret garden

We have just mentioned it: Take time for oneself and have its personal activities is paramount for the harmony of couple. We must not necessarily do everything together, share everything: on the contrary, everyone must keep his space and spontaneity margin. You have to know how to find the middle ground between the moments that one shares two and which are essential for the couple, moments with family or friends and finally the moments solo to be able to breathe, be happy and happy to meet oneself -same. As a certain Voltaire said, "we have to cultivate our garden" ...

Hold the relationship for acquired

In a relationship as in life, nothing is acquired. Things never fulfill themselves. It is well known, love is a flower that needs to be watered! The lack of appreciation and the routine are one of the worst enemies of the couple: think how can we surprise your partner, even with simple attentions and signs of affections to show every day the importance of the other person for your life . Do not underestimate the power of small gestures that always make pleasure in the couple.

Compare to others

Here is the best way to devalue and damage your relationship: do not stop comparing yourself to others. Stop living in the past, thinking how it was before or how do the others, live your life and write your story simply. The comparison makes your miserable life in general, especially when it comes to the couple! Instead of living your life, we try to copy the lives of others by scoring his own luck to a unique existence.


Having a positive attitude in life is an essential thing for personal wellness and those around you. It is the same for your relationship: If you complain without stopping, if you still have a critical attitude and if you see only the wrong side of things, your relationship will not do long fire and your partner will escape. Love has the power to make the other happy person. To be unpleasant, contemptuous or jaded absolutely does not help anything and negativity is not seductive. If you want your relationship to be healthy and lasting, adopt a positive attitude! This will also help you in your life in general, to make the best of every day, on the other and of yourself.

Engage too early in the relationship

Running is useless: do not go too fast and do not try to immediately put a label to your report, especially if you are still at the beginning of the story. Give space to another and also take time for you, without exercising any pressure. Let things develop naturally, because nothing happens by chance. If the relationship continues and, we wish you, you will remember your origins of couple as a beautiful love story.

Insist in a non-reciprocal report

We can not force a person to love us. If you feel that you are looking for too much, that the other person is not receptive, that you will not receive what you need or if your efforts do not bear their fruits, do not try to change and do not torture yourself Not the mind. This person simply is not made for you. Focus on your happiness, about what you really want in life and to feel good about yourself: it's such an accomplishment that is delighted, not the sadness of depending on someone else who do not love you at all.

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