Orchids: 8 simple and effective tips to make them bloom

So, do you want to know how to flop an orchid?

Orchids are known for their beauty and elegance. They know how to adorn and give life to a room. They exist more than 25,000 species of orchids, all more original than others. Originally, they come mainly from tropical areas but today have become accessible to all. The best-known orchids are phalanopsis orchids also called butterfly orchids, they are perfect for starting. The orchid is easy to cultivate but require a treatment that is specific to it. Once his flowering period is over, she can lose all her flowers. Do not panic, we must not throw it. Orchids can live a large number of years. They have the ability to decline thanks to some simple and effective little care. So, do you want to know how to flop an orchid?

Size it correctly

In order to allow the orchid of blooming, you have to cut all the faded flowers and the dried stems. Start from the bottom of the stem, then count 2 or 3 buds and finally cut off the shaft.

Use disinfected utensils

One of the most used utensils for cargoing a plant is the secateur. When you carve your orchid, it is necessary to use a clean and well disinfected secateur to prevent your plant from being infected with bacteria.

Water sparingly

It is advisable to water orchids once a week. The best is to swim the orchid in a basin of water for 15 minutes. After this soaking, it is necessary to drain the plant, because the roots do not support the stagnant water. It is possible to brumize the substrate 2-3 times a week to maintain a certain moisture.

Use water without limestone

The orchid is a delicate flower that needs to be maintained with water without limestone. You can use rainwater that you will have collected beforehand. Other solutions are available to you like: filtering tap water or add lemon juice to remove limestone.

Pay attention to his environment

The orchid loves light and moisture. Nevertheless, it does not support sunlight and excessive heat. And it is absolutely not recommended to expose it to cold. It is preferable to place it north and in an oscillating part between 15 ° C and 25 ° C.


Remove an orchid consists of changing the pot. In general, the orchid should be replaced every 2-3 years. Depending on the orchid, choose a pot well adapted to its size so that its roots have room to push properly. First of all, you have to spill the orchid to cut all the damaged roots. Then you must fill the new humidified substrate pot and place the orchid. Do not arrive the orchid for 15 days. On the other hand, you can humidify the substrate every 2-3 days with a mistake.

Use a quality fertilizer

Every 15 days, use fertilizer to promote the growth of the orchid. It is better to use a dilute fertilizer for orchids. In commerce, some orchid fertilizers are not well dosed. The best fertilizer is rich in potassium and contains little nitrogen. When using fertilizer, you must pay attention to the dosing well. Too much fertilizer can kill the plant.


The orchid is a plant not like the others. In order to flourish in the best way, you will need to be patient. Flowers can put a few months repelling completely. But once blooming, you will be delighted with the result.

Categories: Interesting
Tags: orchids
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