21 hilarious and perfectly timed photos

Here are 21 sports photos taken at the exact time!

There are thousands of pictures perfectly timed on the internet. Some are funny posses involuntary; Others look like God himself photographed her, then there are these incredible fixed images of athletes who do their thing, but their expressions are hilarious.

Here are 21 sports photos taken at the exact time!

1. Sometimes the joke is too much on the nose. For example, here is a defender of Dallas in a truly awkward position.

2. Imagine not being able to smooch your trophy because you have to wear a face mask.

3. When two rugby teams do not like much, they are ready to do anything.

4. Does a Polish pole Vaulter celebrate the victory or Goku Turning Super Saiyan?

5. Football (or football) may not be the most exciting sport, but this image makes you a little thirsty, is not it?

6. There will be a lot of sync swimming on this gallery, but this photo is particularly odd because of the absence of certain parts of the vital body.

7. A catchent on the ground simply disrupts a football game, and it is not even sorry, this burning bastard!

8. Anyone who said that horse driving is a safe hobby does not contain any idea of ​​dangerous.

9. Unlike horses, bulls can get a kebab from you, but at least the photos look cool.

10. You know it's serious when the ping-pong master gives you that look.

11. With all this distortion, the face of the swimmer looks like a potato.

12. Imagine the amount of strength with which the bullet was launched to the player.

13. When people say, "Do not bother the hand that feeds you", are that what they mean?

14. And now, we see the pitcher of the broken bat incident. Cared for!

15. Pokémon of real water in nature are so beautiful and kind!

16. Talking about Pokemon, who's right? Must be Mega Tentaruel!

17. We see here a rare spot of a football bullet the merger with the player's head.

18. Has the hockey guy become invisible? It's against the rules!

19. Who needs the laws of physics when you can challenge severity?

20. When the assistant learns telekinesia, things are saving.

21. And for dessert, here are the cheerleaders of Dallas cowboys flying in the air.

Categories: Interesting
Tags: humor / lol / sports
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