Top 8 Most Viral Dances on Social Network Tiktok

The influence of social networks, especially tiktok, on young generations, enormous many videos becomes viral worldwide. Especially those that focus on some dance.

If you ask a teenager if it has TikToku and knows some of the viral dances, I'm sure you'll get a positive answer. In addition, you now also say some names and procedures, how various dances actually dance. The influence of social networks, especially TikToku, the young generation is enormous many videos became viral around the world. Especially those that focus on a dance. Let's imagine together the 8 most viral and most imitated dances on the social network TikTok.

SexyBack by Justin Timberlake

In this song from Justin Timberlake dance circle is used when the camera turns individual dancers. This dance is seen at TikToku less than a year and has spread especially lately. The first came with the user of dance that calls @jenniferjeppssson and video currently has more than seven and a half million marking I like it and over a hundred thousand comments.

Tyler from April YRN

In our list, we must not forget the very catchy video, which became famous for one particular member of the South Korean K-pop girl group. Dance procedure that can be seen on video, of course, originally from the girl group. For expansion of the video, however, is particularly remix from YRN worth many more successes on this social network. The video is available on the profile @taeiivr and currently has nearly one million indications I like it.

So say the Doja Cat

Dance to the song Say So it is really a viral achievement of the wearer @yodelinghaley. Thanks to its deed noticed her actual author of the song Doja Cat and invited her to his music video for this song. That in itself demonstrates the enormous power of the Internet and the spread of social networks TikTok. Currently, the author can boast more than a million and a quarter marking what I like in your video, which he released at the end of 2019.


HERE IT IS !! The full say with dance🥺🥰

♬ say would be moved with cat - Haley Sharpe

Blinding Lights from The Weeknd

Dancing on the hit group The Weeknd has become extremely popular especially at the beginning of the state compulsory quarantine. In the video dancers who share a single household. For us this is definitely one of the most successful Challenge recently. Our tip video is from the author @tjblk who is in this video are currently more than three and a half million indication that I like and almost one hundred thousand shares.


with basically this is me and my family in Quarantine 😐#quarantine #blindinglights #blindinglightschallenge (Her face at the end though)

♬ Blinding Lights - MACDADDYZ

WAP from Cardi B

Musical hit behalf of WAP and the American Femcees Cardi B, where even co Megan Thee Stallion is certainly not a popular song on the radio, but also social networks, such as TikTok. This showed us dance dancer Brian Esperson, which can be found under the profile @besperon. His original video with dancing to the hit has nearly five million, marking it likes, and over two hundred thousand shares.


NEW DANCE! ️ This is our mood When @iamcardib our video posted on her Instagram! @kltkatnat#wap #dance #cardib

♬ WAP (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) - Cardi B

Tap In the Saweetie

Other current musical stone, which has gained virálnost social network Tik Tok is a song Tap in from California Femcees Saweetie. First with new choreography for this song came from a user of the profile @yodamnmomma, which is named Lesley Gonzalez. Its original video now has nearly one million indication that I like and less than twenty thousand shares.


🚨SO I MADE A DANCCEEE-🚨 TRY IT AND TAG MEEE😳# Prince4Ever #foryou #LittleBitFancy #newdance #dc #fyp #ye

♬ Tap In - Saweetie

Lottery (Renegade) from K Camp

Everyone on social network TikTok is, so surely heard of the most popular dance at all, which is designed to track Renegade rapper from the Atlantic to the Camp. This dance is the most imitated ever on the network and still be tried around 30 million users. The first video of this on the social networking site ranked Jalaiah Harmon, but we can show the user's version @charlidamelio.

The Git Up of Blanco Brown

This video has started a very successful challenge, which was a social network TikTok used in nearly three million videos. The original video are responsible American brothers and Davonte Ajani, who invented a successful dance hit The Git Up of Blanco Brown. Their next video you can find under the profile @ ajani.huff.

Categories: Fun.
Tags: Tiktok
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