Six Best moments Eva Burešová

The most of you knows her as a representative Tyna from Veleú Successful Sunny series. How time went with Eva Bureš and what are the most important moments of her career?

Eva Burešová is an actress and a singer who has been in the awareness of Czech fans in 2011, when the successful participation of the reality show Czech Slovakia has talent. In the competition, she was able to fight into the finals and the participation was opened to the Czech show of Business, which Eva was harvested. The most of you knows her as a representative of the Tyna from the Veleú Successful Sunny series, to which he recorded a central song. How time went with Eva Bureš and what are the most important moments of her career? You will learn this in our article!

Czech Republic Slovakia has talent

The competition Czech Republic Slovakia has a talent EVA participated in 2011 and led very well. Thanks to his singing performances, she was able to get among the finalists and thus inherently he was inherently in the awareness of all viewers. In the competition, the first time introduced to the songs from American singer Beyonce and in the words of Spring Slavik, it was not the right choice, because on the quality of this American singer is not enough and should focus on another genre. However, even if it did not become the absolute winner of the competition, it certainly has the most successful career from all participants.

Movie role

Eva Burešová soon began to promote television screens after the competition. The first larger roles had in the television series GymPL S (R) Limited, where he played the figure of Renata Renato. There were a number of smaller and larger film and serial roles. It is worth noting Movies Gangster Ka, V.I.P. Murders, blue code or role in the detective series specialists. However, the most viewers currently combine EVU with the role of the Popular Tynka in the TV series sunny. According to the popularity between directors, it is more than clear that Evu Burešová will see the more frequently on Czech screens.

Theatrical and musical scene

In addition to the music, Eva Burešová donated a theater from Mala. She graduated from the audience in the National Theater of the Moravian-Silesian in front of the audience. He then continued his studies at the Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory in Prague, specifically devoted to the musical field. Its biggest musical role belongs to Jesus Christ Superstar, the murder behind the curtain and dracula. He is currently hosting several theaters, where he often appears in roles alongside the famous Czech actors.

music career

Although she never had any solo album, he devotes himself very intensively with music and focus mainly on television and film music. Its hits, especially the jingle to the series of a sunny duet with other famous musicians. For example, a big hit was a night song with a musician Václav Noid Bárta, a song like it was our last day with Pavel Calltou or the song of a small prince, which the singer donated to his first-brown son Nathaniel.

Son Nathaniel

As mentioned above, Eva Burešová is the mother of a small son who got an unusual name Nathaniel. The father of Son Nathaniel is also musician Michael beautiful. Unfortunately, this couple was not long after the birth of the child and Eva Burešová remained on the upbringing. According to the actress's words, her partner did not take care of the family and relied on the relationship. Eva from the beginning he carried heavily, but according to his own words, he is now happy and, in particular, paying all his attention, who was born in 2017. She recently even boasted that the son had baptized in Italy and his whole names so Nathaniel Adam Salvatore Beautiful.

Relationship with brind forejt

Unfortunately, Eva replaced several relationships, but no one forever. However, for better times, it is close now, where it is officially prominent forejt, which television viewers know as a juror in Velude Successful Masterchef Czech competition. The sparks between the beautiful actress and the premium chef jumped during the filming of the well-known program of your face, has a famous voice where he was forejt as one of the jurors. Not long after broadcasting was a few occasionally seen in the public and, according to the body's language, it was clear that the two of them were bracing.

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