For these reasons you should always add onions to your meals

Maybe you do not like taking onions, but you'll check some of its benefits

All of us are known that all vegetables are important for health, but some species have unique benefits. One of the most important types; Onion is hated by everyone because of the odor caused by the mouth after eating, or because of tears we are mobilized after cutting, it is rich in many vitamins and important nutrients for human health. Through this article we will talk to you about the most important benefits onions and why you always have to be included in your daily meals:

Rich by vitamins and minerals

One of the most important benefits of onion has a large proportion of vitamins and minerals; Contains vitamin C, which contributes to the organization of immune health, collagen production, tissue repair and iron absorption, and also rich in vitamin C which works as a strong antioxidant in your body; Where my cells protect from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals.

Heart health

Onions contain antioxidants and compounds that resist infections and reduce triple fat and reduce cholesterol levels and thus reduce human heart disease risk. On the other hand, onions reduce blood cholesterol, which limits the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The body protects against the risk of cancer

Onion prevents the evolution of cancer cells; One studies showed that persons taking on onion continuously are less likely to have 22% cancer compared to others, which confirmed another study conducted during 2015 and reached that there is a strong relationship between onion and reducing the risk of cancer, especially stomach and tract Digestion.

MaintainsOn the health of sight

We all hate onions because of what caused our eyes from tears when we begin to cut; But you know that onions are very useful for the health of the eyes; Recent scientific research has shown that it reduces the risk of whitewater in the eye and at the same time to slow growth in age, as well as an eye infections.

Facilitate digestion

Onions contain fiber which faces digestion, and enhances the intestinal health thanks to antioxidants and increases the number of useful bacteria, which in turn helps to purge the stomach and intimidation. On digestive disorders.

Prevention of diabetes

Due to chemical compounds such as sulfur, chrome and crumes, which increase the secretion of insulin in the blood and the balance of sugar levels, onions can regulate the blood sugar naturally and thus protect against high normal.

Respiratory protection

The onions effectively supports respiratory health due to their antioxidants and fluvonoid compounds that help significantly to treat congestion, powder and coughing and expelling sputum, and also gets rid of sensitivity and asthma symptoms and at the same time on the flu and colds.

Helps to grow hair

Onions feature super capacity to stimulate hair growth; Because it contains important elements such as sulfur, which enhances the blood circulation, which helps in the blood flow easily to follicles, which increases the length of the hair healthy and prevents its falling, damaged and defined.

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