21 say every child needs to hear

These phrases mean a lot and change the life of the child to the best, so try to say it from time to time and will move some wisdom to their minds in the future.

Breeding children is a tough and tough journey, and there is no uniform or ideal way to do. But, there are still some phrases that there is no child does not need to hear. These phrases mean a lot for the child and change a lot of his life for the better, so try to say it from time to time and will move some wisdom to their minds in the future.

  1. I am sorry

Children are usually apologized for their parents, but it must be in directions. Where you should apologize for what you are doing from wrong things and will give him the model and ideals for this behavior.

  1. I love you

It may seem recognized, but often do not say parents as desired. Especially when it comes to parents and their buildings. The periodic expression of the feelings of love strengthens relations.

  1. I am proud of you

Children are always seeking knowledge, and the admiration you get from their parents means life. So you should always show admirable their achievements and news that you are proud - will be great encouragement.

  1. I made the mistake

Recognizing your mistakes helps your child to do the same, and also realize that mistakes are inevitable in life.

  1. I'm always here for you

Support is everything. There are some aspects in the life of the child, such as the school it is about his parents. But the child must always feel that his father is supported in everything in his life.

  1. You are as beautiful as you are

We have a lot of old beauty standards around us in the world which makes us believe that there is a nice baby baby. By getting rid of these standards, you will always discover beauty in children and increases their confidence.

  1. I was wrong

Some children believe that adults never mistakes. This is incorrect, recognizing the error makes children sure there is no full person, and it is normal for some mistakes, all of us are human!

  1. Let's talk about this

Communication is something necessary in building good relations with children, he teaches them to communicate skills and how to express themselves. As they know how to talk about things that are angered like violence.

  1. I will not judge you

We all suffer from the issuance of others to the provisions on us in our lives, whether it is within the person or from the surroundings. The knowledge of the child that his parents will not issue the same provisions will make them further safe and appreciation and be more honest when speaking.

  1. Everything is Ward and happens

Sometimes the minimum will throw you in difficulties and ask you everything is good. The edge of the child is vital - but sometimes, things are not going as required, but we must walk with the current.

  1. I forgive you

Tolerance is a great thing in human relations, whether they are parents, beloved, or friend. The apology is important, also tolerance. He frees the person of his actions and gives him the opportunity to hear what he wants, and therefore exceeds the matter.

  1. I believe in you

Sometimes everything you need is to support you and remind you that you are able to do anything from the smallest things for most complex.

  1. Do you need to blame?

Sometimes we broke our children with the embrace and be for our advantage and not. If you see your child began to tire from the embrace, you can ask you to blame and make it better. There is nothing comfortable more than the embrace of parents.

  1. You are a nice and kind brother

Why do children see their brothers sometimes monsters? Because we put them against some sometimes or punish them when a quarrel. But highlighting positive times between them is wonderful in encouraging sisters in love and supporting some.

  1. Here we are together

Parents are the greatest booster for children. Even if the composite is sinking (exposed to durability, they suffer from puberty, or have problems with their teachers), and told them that you are with them and next to them.

  1. Tomorrow is a new day

The bad days are bad experiences, but the next day is a new day. When thinking about this mentality, they may have the ability to help your children in optimism - they will not be disappointed, but they will see new dawn as a new opportunity for development.

  1. What can I do?

Fathers impose a lot of pressure on children without taking care of their psychological health. Ask some simple questions that help you get to know your children better and make you closer in the end.

  1. You do not have to be full

Perfect is something the parents are trying to persuade their children and libed them, but are unrealistic standards. There is no full person, and whenever he helps them build their personality.

  1. There is no problem to be different

When you're a kid was more cute to be like everyone, but to be different is also wonderful. When your parents accept this, the child feels more safely and feels proud to uniqueness.

  1. You deserve respect

Teaching our children's respect is an important thing, and most importantly is to be teaching that they must respect in all their relations, as well as respect for all surroundings.

  1. I'm here to hear you

Speaking parents with their children all the time, but how many times are they heard? Educational guidance is not enough - hear your child, hear what is joy and what is eager, and do so with all interest.

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