Evolution of beauty and style of faith in Brezhnev

The history of her reincarnation can be safely compared to the history of a small channel that in the end of the fairy tale turned into a beautiful white swan.

One of the most beautiful women of Ukraine - Vera Brezhnev - for over 10 years attracts men from the pages of glosses and inspires modern girls in Instagram. The history of her reincarnation can be safely compared to the history of a small channel that in the end of the fairy tale turned into a beautiful white swan. To describe such a transformation of the singer differently simply impossible, but its photos made by the press for 20 years on the stage - this species are perfectly emphasized. We collected them for you to show how Vera Brezhnev changed - the favorite of millions, the wife of the famous composer and the owner of the Vera brand, which was recently presented in Ukraine.


Etalon of femininity and beauty - Today, today, the main editors of world glosses and well-known photographers are talking about Brezhnev faith. Not a fact that it would be possible to describe a student of the Institute of Engineers of Railway Transport, which studied there in the 90's.

The wardrobe of faith consisted of several imperceptible skirts, sweaters and blouses. In principle, as in most of the youth of that time. In the photographs of the graduation album, you recognizes a well-known artist and is difficult: in faith short hairstyle and glasses. Over time, it began to grow hair and gradually feminine. This period just falls at the time of casting to "VIA Game".

2000 no years

Frank Decollete, short skirts, and sometimes at least a minimum of clothing - the usual dress code for the participating group "Via Game", which in those years struck everyone who has once seen a speech or clip of the legendary group. Together with colleagues on the stage - Svetlana Loboda, the hope of Meycher and Anna Seudokova - Vera Brezhnev also tried frank suits, looking into them for presses and admirers.

More brilliance, brightness and exhaustion - the main rule of makeup for the participants of "VIA Games", which did what it did not do any band in post-Soviet variety.


After leaving the group, faith begins to build his own solo career. On the pictures of that time it is well noticeable as a star just looking for his style. It is experimenting with clothing and makeup, but still remains under the influence of the "Viagrivsky" image, inspired by her group admirers.

With each new song, the singer destroys the image of a frivolous girlfriend and every time for the appearance of the public chooses more restrained and clothing.

2015 year

This year, the attention of the press and millions of people, literally, chased to the personal life of the belief of Brezhneva, which marries the composer and producer Constantine Meladze. As far as the Star couple tried not to attract attention to this event - the press managed to find out about a long novel between lovers and their secret wedding in Italy, where only close and friends were present.

At this time, faith changes dramatically: both in the style of clothing, and externally. On red paths it appears in laconic costumes of famous brands, on the covers of magazines dressed in stylish dresses, and for clips - elects delicate and elegant images.

2020 year old

Over the past 5 years, there is a real "boom" and a violation of the faith of Brezhneva, which gives Vogue interviews, telling about women's beauty and style. Faith writesthe same hit "dinerinochka" With Dmitry Monatics, which on YouTube has already reviewed over 25 million users. And also - launches its own brand of cosmetics, which becomes known thanks to the private brand of the singer and millions of its fans.

All this time faith is in parallel toInstagram-account VB Diary, which tells of its own nutrition, favorite workouts, shares useful recipes and lifestyle views. Now it signed almost 353 thousand Instagram users.

Vera Brezhnev today

Of course, the transformation of faith in Brezhneva from the 1990s and to today is a huge path of painstaking work on himself and his own career. It's hard to believe it, but quite recently - February 3, the singer celebrated its 39th birthday! Its appearance inspires its simplicity and luxury at the same time. And the attitude towards its own age is truly capturing, because it is based on love to its own body and all its age-old changes:

"I grew up from all cliches and stereotypes, from all the lucky, and finally I am honest with you. I see the wrinkles in the mirror, and I like them because they are mine and I love myself that I am. "

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