Useful properties of sauerkraut and other fermented products

What exactly occurs during fermentation?

Captain James Cook and Sauerkraut, seemingly in common? No, she did not become his side dish for aborigines, as you immediately thought. For historical accuracy, we note that in fact, the Turkish did not eat cookies, but killed him by hit by a stone in his head. The famous English sailor and cartographer XVIII century. It became famous not only by the discovery of Australia and Hawaiian islands, but also by the fact that they saved all its crew from the scales (illness that arises in the acute lack of vitamin C). To make it he helped himself a sauerkraut. So, James Cook can safely be considered the first star trend to fermented products.

In the opinion of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), fermented products are a source of important nutrient elements, which are also capable of significantly increasing the bioavailability of minerals present in products. The author of the book "The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition") Bill Mollison generally calls fermentation "Form of pre-digestion food".

So, fermentation is when in the course of fermentation under the influence of various bacteria (usually lacto or bifidobacteria) and mushrooms (yeast) there is decomposition of organic substances (starch, sugar and others). Yes, these are the same bifidobacteria, which we are daily in yoghurt advertising. And so, the grandmother's capture can make them worthy competition.

So what exactly happens during fermentation? Lactic acid bacteria eat sugars and fiber, forming lactic acid. It acts as a preservative and does not give pathogenic bacteria and fungus to develop and spoil the product. Among the most famous fermented products: sauerkraut and other varieties; natural yogurt and kefir; Kvass; Famous Korean cabbage Kimchi; Japanese Miso Pasta, Tempe, Natto and Soy Sauce; Chinese Combuca, etc. Also, here you can safely attribute the star of all Soviet windows - tea mushroom.

What are fermented products useful for human body?

- They positively affect the health of the intestine, since they effectively regulate and control the number of pathogenic microorganisms in it. For this, probiotics are consistent - living microorganisms that form a healthy level of cholesterol and intestinal immunity, prevent allergies and diabetes of the second type.

- contain a lot of nutrients. In particular, sauerkraut is a source of vitamin C, and even pectin, calcium and sulforaphane already mentioned here. The bacteria of the leaven are produced by the group vitamins as: folic acid (B9), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), thiamine (B1), biotin (B7), as well as a special vitamin K2, which helps calcium to get to appointment, not be deposited in muscles or washed out of bones. Lactic acid bacteria contribute to the development of vital structures of fatty acids omega-3.

- acts as antioxidants having anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties and are removed from cells free radicals, which are considered to be hallway of cancer.

- help to deprive an organism from toxins naturally.

Fermented products are an important element of nutrition in winter, since this pores lack fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, it should be mentioned about their availability. The same sauerkraut can be done independently, or buy already ready for a very moderate price.

If you want to dive into an interesting world of fermentation, a multitude of its types and recipes, then you will use Sandora Kats "The Art of Fermentation" will be useful. There you will find out everything and even more about this superfood.

One of the largest fermentation hazards is dirt. After all, if suddenly a dirty product with soil remnants will fall into a capacity without access to oxygen, there can be a dangerous life, a highly toxic agent of botulism. This applies not only to meat canned as being considered. So, be careful when choosing finished products and careful when self-prepared. Let your fermented products well taste, and bring only benefit and pleasure!

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