Secrets of tasty fried potatoes
Roasted with crispy crust and spices of potoign with salt and barrel cucumber - can something better for a sincere Ukrainian in these cold breast evenings?

Roasted with crispy crust and spices of potoign with salt and barrel cucumber - can something better for a sincere Ukrainian in these cold breast evenings? Obviously, no. This is probably the most beloved of our home dishes after borsch and dumplings. Not for nothing, Ukrainians are consuming about four potato bags per year per person. Yes, this is not the most useful of vegetables, but very nutritious. It does not abuse it. At first glance, cook fried potatoes - elementary, however, so that it is really delicious, a few important secrets should be known.
1. Quality of potato
Different potato varieties differ in the content of starch and separately suitable for cooking, baking or frying, respectively. The main rule for all types of potatoes: look closely in order to vegetables there were no green spots (formed with improper storage - direct light access). In such root crops contain a poisonous substance - alkaloid solanin, which is particularly dangerous to children. So, the best for frying are suitable varieties with low starch content, such as "Concord", "Rosar", Picasso, "Zarnitsa", "Argos".

2. Cleaning
In the process of cleaning the potatoes, it is necessary to put into a capacity with cold water (immersed completely) so that it was not oxidized and did not darken until everything is cleaned.

3. Drying
Though after immersion in water it sounds weird, but cut potatoes need dry. So, when all the root crops will be cleaned, drain the water, wash everything, and then thoroughly wipe the paper towel every potato.

4. Frying pan
For proper fried potatoes, you need the correct frying pan. The thin paths are not suitable for this. Choose massive, heavy frying pan, be the best cast iron. Her walls hold the temperature well and provide a uniform advancement on all sides.

5. Number of potatoes
If a frying pan is deep and you will fill it to the edges, then your potato will happen to be stew than fried. So, if you want a meal with a crisp crust, then better frying two servings in turn.

6. Do not save oil
Here, in fact, everything is clear. If you just poured potatoes to a frying pan, and the oil immediately did not become, then add another. Use only refined oil.

7. Lid and mixing
The secret is as follows, as you poured potatoes to a frying pan, it's easy to mix it so that the oil reaches each piece, then close the lid and fry, without opening, 5-7 minutes on medium lights. The next 10 minutes to fry it is necessary without a lid, constantly stirring.

8. Salt and spices
Adding salt and spices should become a final stroke of your meal. Never saline potatoes at the beginning of frying. The salt has the ability to destroy starch lenses, so potatoes will become an alkaline and crisp the crust of the year and dream.