Love History Prince Harry and Megan Mark

The real fairy tale of our time - a simple Canadian actress became a real prince's wife. From that day when their relationship became known, the day does not pass without news about this fashionable couple and their dramatic life.

The real fairy tale of our time - a simple Canadian actual tool has become a wife of a real prince. From that day when their relationship became known, the day does not pass without news about this fashionable couple and their dramatic life. Let's check whether you know all about them.

  1. They met on the date of blind

Question that worries every unmarried girl - how and where can I meet Prince? Correct answer: You need to have good friends. Megan and Harry's meeting organized their common familiar. The fateful idea arose in the British designer Misha Non, which has long known Megan. Her husband, in turn, studied at one educational institution with Harry and maintained a good relationship with him. The married couple decided that they have a lot in common, but they are unlikely to guess how good they are their idea!

  1. Third dating in Africa

Meet prince is not easy, especially when you need to hide all the time. Therefore, Harry and Megan only met twice in London for coffee, trying not to attract unnecessary attention. And then Harry risky and invited a new acquaintance to go to Botswana. Harry had to visit it to participate in charity events, but specially planned additional days to be able to travel from Megan. Megan himself hesitated before such a date, but he agreed, according to her, it was in Botswana that Harry was that it.

  1. Relationships at the distance

Lovers at that time lived in different parts of the world: Harry in London, and Megan in Toronto, where she continued to take off the Suits series. However, they managed to come to each other quite often. According to them, they never parted longer than two weeks. At the same time, during the first five months of the novel, they managed to not attract journalists' attention.

  1. Exit to the public

The transition to the status of a public pair has passed for Harry and Megan not too well. The first gossip about their relationship was so dirty that Harry made an unprecedented step. He published a formal letter in which journalists called to refrain from racist and sexist comments to Megan and asked to respect their privacy. At the same time, he introduced Megan Prince Charles (they say she made a very good impression) and offered her a move to London. After reflection, Megan agreed, although the movement meant a refusal of filming, and closing her personal blog The Tig, which she led many years.

  1. Ring from Princess Diana

The couple met just a little more than a year when Garry got up on his knee and offered a loved one's hand and heart. In addition, he offered her and a special ring. It was made to order for Megan and included sapphires from the ring belonging to Harry's mother - Princess Diana. Harry is convinced that Diana and Megan has a lot of joint and that they would definitely become a girlfriend. During the wedding, Megan has chosen a bouquet of unfixed, who were favorite colors of Diana.

  1. A small wedding for 600 people

Millions of people watched Harry and Megan take marriage. At the same time, the ceremony itself was small. Only 600 people were invited to her. If you think it's a lot then for nothing. The wedding of William and Kate attended 2000 people, and other wedding of the British Royal Family on average visits 1500-1800 people. Harry and Megan refused gifts, and instead of them asked guests to support charitable initiatives. Harry had to ask the permission to put on the ceremony of military shape and do not shave a beard.

  1. The birth of the first son

Of course, the royal marriages are waiting for royal children. Harry and Megan did not bring - Archko Harrison was born exactly a year after the wedding. At this time, the relationship between the spouses with the royal courtyard were not very good. Harry and Megan were treated with constant pressure from journalists and a negative attitude in society to their marriage. They decided to refuse to fulfill the duties of the members of the Royal Family and move to the United States. This is accused of ambitious Megan, which, according to many, is not best affected by Harry's relationship with his family. But whatever it was, we are confident - it's just the beginning of their love history!

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