Which man don't need to start the relationship with any conditions?

Love is a great power. It is capable of changing people as little. However, even love can be not enough to fix some significant defects in character. Such men are easier to avoid rather than hoping that they will change for the better under the influence of feelings to you.

Love is a great power. It is capable of changing people as little. We all know it in itself, because almost everyone for this light senses began to lose weight, mastered new hobbies or moved to another city or country. However, even love can be not enough to fix some significant defects in character. Such men are easier to avoid rather than hoping that they will change for the better under the influence of feelings to you.

1.Its nevernear

If he is a pilot, a surgeon or a group, rapid calls to work and busy weekend can be explained. But if his work does not provide regular salvation of the world, and you still can not call it and forced to wait for a meeting, it's better not to deceive yourself. You are not a priority for this husband and relationship with it to build without forgetting it. And even better - not to build at all.

2.He has just finished seriousrelationship

Does he say only about his divorce? You already know all the details of his relationship with his wife and are absolutely convinced that she is all guilty? You believe that I have not lucky with women to meet with you, but you will be able to return to him in love? Don't want to disappoint you but it's unlikely. After completing an important relationship with everything you need time to recover and in such a period we are not inclined to create a new couple for a long time.

3.Still a child

In the depths of the soul, we all remains the children. But if he still lives with his parents, he does not know how much the store costs potatoes and does not think about a career, planning with him, long-term relationships should not be planned. Internal adult does not depend on age, sometimes already in 18 years we are ready for serious responsibility, and sometimes in 40 we can not take care of the cactus. Joint life and a common future are great tasks that are interesting to solve along with a reliable partner. And the children will still be own.

4.He says false

All deceive. This is part of human nature, so even most of us exaggerate something or twist for its own benefits. Avoid requires people who lie deliberately, are defeated and trying to achieve certain goals at the expense of lies. A person who knowingly tells you a lie in essential issues, manipulates you, that is, trying to get power over you and your behavior. This approach does not directly lead to healthy and happy relationships.

5.He never pays

Equality is a great piece. Well, when in a pair, everyone has its own independent income, and stands on their feet. There is nothing bad in when people pay each other in turn. But if your cavalier has never taken care of payment of the account, but simply allows you to pay for it, it's an alarm bell. This means that it expects the material infusions by default and even plans to talk about it.

6.Too quenched

At first glance, if your new guy wants to know where you are all 24 hours a day and calls you ten times a day, it's even cute. But in everything it is necessary to be a sense of measure. If you are familiar only a week, and it already plans your joint movement to a mountain hut, where you give it to ten children, it is worth clicking on the brakes. Obtained by you a guy who does not understand the needs of his own space in relationships may be even a bigger problem than indifferent.

7.Needs attention 24 \ 7

When in our lives comes love, everything else temporarily goes to the background. However, life never consists of love only. It has still work, friends, hobbies, parents, trips, pets and a bunch of everything. If your partner expects that with its appearance all this will be forever to be minor for you, you should think. Moreover, you should think if it requires constant attention and insults even on minor dopes of his person. An adult man does not behave so much.

8.ForSerious relationships are eaten

To build a serious relationship is required with those who want it too. It's a simple rule saved a lot of hearts and would save even more if more people followed him. Do not deceive yourself and do not require people that they are not ready to give you. We are seven billions on earth and everyone can find their own. The main thing to understand what you want and try to be the partner who would like to meet.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: love / psychology
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