8 natural body scrubs that can be prepared from the products that you have at home
Scrub is a very important care tool. Here are some recipes of effective and nutritious scrubs that you can cook yourself.

"Leather, silk languages" - these words from the loved one to hear each woman. So how to achieve such a result without spending crazy funds on beauty salons? Answer is simple: it is necessary to remember the main stages of skin care: cleaning - exfoliation - toning - moistening. For some of these procedures, it is still necessary to purchase cosmetics, and some can well be manufactured independently of products in your refrigerator. And the expression is such a procedure. Homemade scrubs will be even more useful and more powerful than chemical. Scrub is a very important means of care, because it exfoles the skin lobes, normalizes blood circulation, opens pores, removes toxins, enriches the skin with oxygen by contributing to it. They also help uniform sunburn, and some are still able to fight cellulite. It is important to remember that scrub is not a daily remedy. For dry skin, it should be used once every 10-14 days, for normal - once a week, for greasy can be twice a week. Here are some recipes of effective and nutritious scrubs that you can cook yourself:
1. Scrub from oatmeal and dry milk
Need: Oat flakes and milk milk in proportion 2: 1, peppermint - 1 tbsp. Flakes and mint Grind in the coffee grinder, add dry milk. Pour into warm water so that the mixture was not liquid consistency. This scrub is very gentle, suitable for dry skin.

2. Scrub with salt, pepper and cinnamon
Need:Small sea salt, cinnamon, black pepper ground - in equal quantities, olive oil. Mix everything to not liquid consistency. Massaging, apply the problem areas of the body. Keep up to 15 minutes, wash with warm water. Scrub has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect and helps from stretch marks on the stomach and hips.

3. Scrub with sugar and lemon
Need: 2 stalks of sugar, juice halves of lemon. Ingredients Mix and apply circular motions. Leave for 15 minutes, wash with warm water. This recipe is best suited for face because it has a bleaching and cleaning effect. Use only before bed, because after this procedure it is not desirable to go to the sun.

4. Scrub with salt, honey and turmeric
Need:3 tablespoons small sea salt, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, half a glass of honey. Mix everything to a homogeneous consistency. Apply to a pre-cavernous skin (after a sauna, bath, hot shower). Asked the skin after 5 min. Rinse with warm water. Soap after scrub Do not use. This scrub has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

5. Coffee Scrub
Need:1 tbsp with a cream ground coffee, 50 ml. For shower (preferably organic, without parabens and perfumes). All mixes, you can add a few drops of olive oil. This is the fastest and easiest recipe. Fit for all skin types.

6. Chocolate Scrub
Need:½ cup cocoa powder, by ¼ glasses of brown and white sugar, ¾ Glasses of almond oil, 1 st. Vanilla extract. First mix dry ingredients, then add oil, mix well. Rub the circular movements, wash with warm water. Such scrub cleans, soothes and feeds the skin. Has an anti-actual effect. The mixture is perfectly stored in a sealed, glass container.

7. Scrub with sugar, coconut and cucumber
Need:By ½ cup of white and brown sugar, 2-3 tbsp coconut oil, 1 st.rill of fresh cucumber juice. Mix everything to a homogeneous consistency. Nano with circular movements, wash with warm water. Scrub improves skin color, and makes it incredibly mild. You can store it in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator. However, no longer than a few days.

8. Scrub with manka, honey and cream
Need:1 stork manna cereals, 2 tbsp warm cream, 1 teaspoon of honey. Mank Pour cream, mix, add honey. Rub a mixture of massage movements up to 5 min. Rinse with warm water. After scrub not use soap. This scrub will make the body smooth and silky. Fit for all skin types. Love yourself and be beautiful!

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