What are the first men paying attention to a woman
For ladies, the captured men's views will accurately be the best compliment and a guarantee of a wonderful mood. So, what exactly in the woman are the same raisins that do not give the representatives of a strong gender from her eyes from her?

Beauty for a woman is an important part of her routine, self-confidence and inner harmony. It is from beauty that love is born, and love begins. It is impossible to ignore the fact that due to vision a person perceives more than 70% of all surrounding information. So attract the attention of the opposite sex with an exterior - quite a logical desire, although not everyone is recognized. For ladies, the captured men's views will accurately be the best compliment and a guarantee of a wonderful mood. So, what exactly in the woman are the same raisins that do not give the representatives of a strong gender from her eyes from her? Of course, there is no single precise answer to this question, because each man has personal tastes and preferences. Yet, in the following variants, men converge unanimously:
1.Keybanks and Shia
It is possible to open the clavicle and the neck itself in any season. Moreover, the dresses and blouses with a beautiful neckline will always be in the trend, most importantly here - do not overdo it. Additional attention to the neck will attract soft chains or long earrings. The keys and neck are in the so-called "communicative zone", the same man will remain chance to resist your beauty.

The fact that hands are a business card, and how important it is to maintain their beauty there are many articles. And not in vain. After all, when familiarity, from business to personal, it is due to the hands of the first tactile contact. They are constantly in the field of view of the interlocutor, then there is no chance to hide the impurity. Interestingly, the most attractive part of them are not fingers, but wrists.

A looks can be expressed by a whole palette of emotions: from joy to pain, from love to hate. And if you want to pay attention to a certain man, then the reception "down-in-the-right-bottom-corner-room-in-eyes" will accurately be you guided. Also, one should not forget about makeup: light day, or smoky eyes. Choose for the mood!

"I fell in love with her back at first sight!" - That's how Johnny Depp described his first meeting with Vanessa Parade. Each woman knows that a naked back dress is a particular challenge. However, if we decide, then definitely hit the target! After all, with each movement on the back there is a mysterious game of light and shadow. No man stands here! Not for nothing, many celebrities choose such a shaknow fashion for red paths.

Gait is a peculiar handwriting of every person. Grace, confidence, ease - all this reads men on the subconscious level when a woman goes near a good move. Remember that curling and a steady look at the smartphone will not add attractiveness to you. Actually, like an ill-handed handwriting, it can also be bad. Good news: It is subject to correction. And all efforts are definitely worth the result.

Many women are constantly concerned with their size, believing that "model cattle" is an absolute standard of beauty. But in the eyes of men everything looks a bit otherwise: important not a size, but proportionality. Fortunately, the choice of shaping and color of modern clothing allows each lady to pick up what is grazing to her. That is, it is apt to pick up clothes that hides shortcomings and emphasizes the charms.

The trend of fashion n ° 1 this fall, according to Pinterest