Sirfood Diet: As Adel Weighted by 45kg

Today there are a lot of effective diets based on various principles of action. Some unnoticed for the body allow us to use less calories, others - just reduce appetite. But the diet was recently invented, which works absolutely in a new principle. The name of her sirtfood. And although this diet, and the approach is quite new, it already has many supporters around the world. But the brightest example of the fact that this diet works - this is the result of weight loss by 45 kilograms.

Today there are a lot of effective diets based on various principles of action. Some unnoticed for the body allow us to use less calories, others - just reduce appetite. But the diet was recently invented, which works absolutely in a new principle. The name of her sirtfood. And although this diet, and the approach is quite new, it already has many supporters around the world. But the brightest example of the fact that this diet works - this is the result of weight loss by 45 kilograms. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the secret of such a transformation.

1.The basic principle of diet

Two-diplomatic nutrition of Eidan Goggins and Glen Matten experimentally found out that there are foods that make the body produce a sirtu. And they already actively restore and clean the body including fat deposits. Continuing research, nutritionists have learned that there are combinations of products that can significantly strengthen this effect. That is, not only to withdraw fat deposits, but also to prevent their appearance (of course, at least minimal physical activity). And on the basis of these studies, they consisted of a necessary list of products and a menu for 7 days, which can easily be prepared at home.


The list of required products includes: buckwheat groats, capers, celery, chili peppers, dark chocolate, green tea, garlic, dates, racks, parsley, chicory, red wine, soybeans, raspberry, citrus, turmeric, shrimp, cabbage keyl and blueberries .

The diet itself is divided into two main phases. The rapid phase, or as it is called "stress" for the body, but is great for rapid weight loss and reboot. After it goes the phase of fixing the result.

3.Fast phase

7 days lasts. It is no longer recommended, because it is very stressful for the body due to a large limit in food. The first three days you need to drink 3 portions of green juice and take only one full meal from the list of allowed products. Most importantly, without exceeding the permissible amount of calories - about 1000 calories.

Starting from the fourth day to the seventh day, you need to use 2 portions of green juice and have two meals from the famous list of you. At this stage, calorage can already reach up to 1500 feces. General rules for this period are the use of juice for 1.5-2 hours before eating, refusing to alcohol and the last meal not later than seventh o'clock in the evening, and for dessert a maximum piece of black chocolate.

4.How to cook "green juice"?

On one portion: it is necessary to knock down the blender of 2 halls of cabbage, a counterpart and parsley. Add celery, half an apple and half of the lemon and get into again. In a ready-made mass add half a teaspoon of a match and dilute with water to a convenient consistency.

5.Diet second phase

Compared to the rapid, this phase may last how much lure, because it is less stressful for the body and aimed more to maintaining the result. The essence lies in the fact that during the day it is necessary to drink one portion of green juice and use products from the list provided by the diet. Allowed to have three full-fledged meals. At this stage there is also allowed tea, coffee and even wine, but, of course, in reasonable quantities.

Most importantly, the first result to minus 3.5 kg can be observed in a week. And as experienced nutritionists are noted, such changes do not affect muscle mass. In general, the inventors of the diet believe that due to it you can not only lose weight, but also as a whole to heal, because the sirters launch an active process of updating cells throughout the body. True, consider that before the diet begins to advise with your dietitian for contraindications.

6.Main C.Errete Slimming Adele

A few months ago, the Internet literally "exploded" with new photographs of the singer who lost weight to unrecognizability. She managed to lose weight by 45 kg. And everything is due to the sortafood diet. According to Adel, no physical activity or diet did not give such a result.

To try a sortafood diet or not, to decide you, but Adele on your own example has shown that you can achieve an incredible result if everything is done correctly.

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