8 signs that you meet a psychopath

Remember, negotiate and communicate with a boy-psychopath, and most importantly build relationships - just impossible! But before hanging on a person, such a shortcut should be carefully analyzed whether all the symptoms are manifested.

The Swedish journalist Thomas Erickson wrote two brilliant books: "surrounded by idiots" and "surrounded by psychopaths". In his editions, the author tells about his own system of classification of people's behavior by their temperament. Among them Thomas highlights the category of psychopaths with which you need to behave extremely cautious. Therefore, to negotiate with them and communicate, and the main thing to build relationships - simply impossible! But before hanging on a person, such a shortcut should be carefully analyzed whether all the symptoms are manifested.

1.Total control

For psychopath, it is important to control everything. Him to get on your personal space. Loss of control over you frightens it is that it can take it out of themselves. The script of communication with such a person is only one - to disappear from his life.


He seems to you so cute and unhappy, and each of his regular history and "breaks" on tears and compassion. But, take a better, perhaps its surroundings, situations and all life as a whole - this is not a solid drama, but how to manipulate you.

3.Excessive attention

What too, do not hedge - they say in the people. As well as in a relationship with a psychopath. Since the first of your event, events begin to develop very rapidly. It constantly suggests that you have a lot of common and your ideal compatibility. Such a person, as if chameleon, is constantly "exposed", reproducing your dreams and plans to sign in to trust.

4.Does not recognize obvious things

Another symptom of psychopaths - all deny: manipulation, ignoring, images. Even when you bring obvious facts, examples, arguments it reacts critically, scornfully and constantly trying to refute your behavior. Also, the psychopath can translate the blame for you and convinced that the problem is not in it, but in your wrong reactions to the situation.

5.Unconscious lies

The psychopath has always arguments, an explanation, justification for any situation. Even when it does not require it. Psychopaths invent lies before you have asked questions. Such behavior can be knocked down from the pantlika others and at the same time "to get dry out of water." Moreover, even if it's catching on hot, you will not wait for his repentance.

6.Needs excessive attention

You no longer notice your needs and learned to feel your own desires. Of course, because all your attention, energy and other possible resources are directed to meet its needs. He filled all your life and requires constant attention to myself. But the essence is that as if you do not try, you will never be able to fill the void in his soul.

7.Constantly zAnizerisyoursself-esteem

At first, you twist the head of a carousel compliments, and after some time from such a passion, there is no trail. With your opinion do not count, do not listen to tips, desires and thoughts. There are only you as a "subject": for house cleaning, money earnings, etc. And on the background of such an almighty and omniscient man you can easily lose yourself as a person.


At first, as we have already said, psychopath only focuses on you. And it is difficult to realize when and how it begins to make unacceptable things that make you doubt on his loyalty and meaning to you in the life of a partner. In the modern world, psychopaths begin to conduct active life in social networks, etc. He likes to provoke you with jealousy. In this case, he will constantly jealize you literally to all of your acquaintances.

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