10 culinary secrets for home meals

Cooking as science is not in place. Leading chiefs from different parts of the world are experimented with tastes and techniques, in search of new shades of tastes. Thanks to the permanent practice, professional breeds from their own experience know what seasoning, frying technique, etc., it is better to choose for one or another dish.

Cooking as science is not in place. Leading chiefs from different parts of the world are experimented with tastes and techniques, in search of new shades of tastes. Thanks to the permanent practice, professional breeds from their own experience know what seasoning, frying technique, etc., it is better to choose for one or another dish.

We gathered some of the most common secrets of the preparation of ordinary cases of simple products, from which even at home you can make a masterpiece.


Mushrooms - absorb water, as if sponges. Before cooking, they are customary, after which there are many moisture. Tip after washing mushrooms with a paper towel to pick up excess moisture. In this case, mushrooms will be crisp and have a saturated taste, rather than transformed during cooking "in porridge."


Prepare delicious, crazy rice - great skill. Try to pre-fry it on vegetable oil with the addition of a small number of cream until it will lose transparency. Then add broth to it. This is the broth. Getting rice better on it, then it will have a more interesting, rich taste.

In order to rice, do not compensate, add less water than it is indicated in the recipe: 1 cup of rice - 3/4 cups of liquid. After removed from the fire - leave a pan covered with a lid on a plate for 10 minutes.


Dishes prepared on butter, unequivocally, tastier. They have a more saturated aroma and taste. But in the process of cooking there is a problem that it burns very quickly and severely sprinkled. Fix this drawback can simply add a bit of vegetable oil to a frying pan. In general, if there is such an opportunity to use a toplene oil better. It does not manage, does not spray and saturate the food with a dairy aroma.


When cooking meat, be sure to take into account part of the body from which it. If this part of the animal actively used (legs, part of the fillet) - frying meat on slow lights at low temperature. Meat from a stationary body (back, cut) requires a strong fire and a short cooking time.

Ideal omelge

The main egg rule is to fry on medium heat, and in no case at high temperature. The algorithm is simple. On a warm frying pan, break the egg and immediately cover the lid. So the dish will be prepared evenly from the top and bottom. You will get an excellent liquid yolk and advented protein.

Cloaked chicken

Chicken breast is preparing approximately three times faster than legs and thighs. For a whole chicken, it is sealed evenly, you need to put on a lump ice in a package for half an hour before sending to an oven or put on a dish up with a back, and in about 50 minutes turn it up her breast up. By the way, that the chicken had a crisp of crust - the peel needs to be sucked with a paper towel.


Before reflecting meat, be sure to fasten it and a board with a food film. First, then you will not have to score small pieces of meat from the board, and secondly, they will not be covered around. And most importantly, this will not violate the integrity of muscle fibers, in fact, without turning meat into minced meat.


Choosing for breadering crackers, do not forget about flour. Without it, part of the crackers is drained in the process of roasting. In order for this purpose that it is necessary to first immerse the product in flour, then in the egg mixture and only then in the panning crackers.

Mashed potatoes

It seemed that the simplest home dish and has its own secrets. The ideal taste depends not only on the addition of butter, but also from the size of cubes.

Small pieces, indeed, are preparing faster. But they absorb too much water, and through it then worse absorb oil and milk.

Correctly cut potatoes on quaternels. The average size of the lobes is optimal: they will be prepared a little longer, but they will get evenly and can absorb enough refills.

Another advice - to choose potatoes of various varieties. The more starch in potatoes, the easier it is mashed. However, they often lack taste, which is in other varieties. Therefore, in order to get the perfect mash taste you need to choose potatoes of various varieties.


Ice is the best way to make chopsticks with juicy and air. Take 8-10 ice cubes from the container, place in the package, grind with meat hammer, add to the finished mince, form the cutlets and immediately send them to a frying pan.

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