8 classy ideas for breakfast in winter

Winter is very cold and gloomy season. During this period, our body needs more nutrients, and the soul requires more bright colors and pleasant emotions. Start every morning in winter with a class breakfast. And then a good mood for the whole day and excellent well-being to all winter you are guaranteed.

Winterdew cold and gloomy time of year. In this period, our body needs more significant substances, and the soul requires more steady paints and pleasant emotions. Because each morning in winter collapsible breakfast. And then a good mood all day and excellent well-being the right to winter you are guaranteed.

Diet Banane Pancakes

Pancakes are now fashionable to say - the houses, associate with a very calorie meal. But! We have a dietting recipe for the cooking of it from childhood.

  • You will need one egg. Add one banana mashed potatoes and a tablespoon of flour. Sugar is not required. Fruitsonwill give a sweet shade of a meal.

For example, coconut olive oil can be used.


Involve the word "porridge" to deprive the ducts. We dispel the stereotype that not all porridges are tasteless! It is necessary to add a little fantasy to cook them.

  • Grind the boiled oatmeal flakes in a blender to cream-like condition. Add banana, peanuts and a little frozen berries. This useful and truly delicious porridge is capable of charging you with a positive all day.

Hot sandwich

This is a grid breakfast option and just perfect for toast lovers.

  • Correct 2 bananas in length.Kill 1-2 eggs with milk, cinnamon and salt.
    Lower the bread slice completely into the mixture. Then fast it in a frying pan 2-3 minutes on the one hand, turn over another. Put on a toasted slender halving banana, and cover another piece of bread from above. Fry from both sides.
    Serve sandwiches with honey or fruit syrup.

Fast-shielded cookies

Ace Recipe is a real useful bomb.

  • Mix 1.5 glasses of oat flakes, 1 cup of coconut chips, 1 tablespoon of flax flour, salt to taste, a glass of greek nuts and half a glass of berries to choose from. Then add 3 finely chopped bananas and
    A quarter of a glass of olive or coconut oil and vanillin.
    Bake in molds at a temperature of 180 degrees 30 minutes.

Dietary Disaster

A variant of one delicious nutritious breakfast without a threat to the figure.

  • In the boiled oatmeal, add flax seeds, crushed Greek nuts and a slice of tofu cheese. Tofu cheese-The source of the protein, so if you need something easier to replace the meat in your diet, then it's best to make tofu cheese.The best completion of such breakfast will be a glass of grapefruit juice. It improves metabolism and saturates the body with vitamin C.

Lightweight with chicken

If you do not use meat, in this chicken recipe can be replaced by pedmigns.

  • Cut the chicken with small pieces and roast in oil to a golden crust.
    Put in molds for baking chicken and sliced ​​tomatoes. Pour the shapes with a mixture of eggs and milk. Semise to taste. On tops sprinkle with grated cheese.

The cooking emphasis in the oven or microwave is pondering about 15 minutes.
Just cheeses - Omelet is ready.

Baked apples

Apples - a source of antioxidants and nutrients. These fruits reduce the risk of diabetes and serve as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Take a few apples, cut the top and core. Pre-mix oatmeal flakes with cinnamon and coconut oil. Fill in this mixture of apples and sprinkle brown sugar.

Form tank foil. Bill an apple of 15-20 min.

Cheese honey and fruits

The fastest brand of breakfast. On its preparation it will take only 3 minutes, and you will receive a daily rate of calcium and iron. It is this necessary for healthy teeth, pure skin and durable nails.

Categories: Food and Travel
Tags: breakfast
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