6 kinds of popular trees are grown now.

The minimal style bakery can come immediately. See today, we want to present 6 kinds of trees that are becoming popular. So that you can get an idea in the house Including living from these trees

Due to the lock-down measures And people spend more time at home Therefore making the home decoration as a by-product from this event Because people didn't go out Therefore did not have the opportunity to breathe fresh air Or can visit the coffee shop outside Therefore being born as a idea that people turn to planting trees in the home Which these trees Not only will make the home atmosphere look refreshed Some trees also have air purification benefits as well. And can still make the house that is open To look like a cafe Or a minimal style bakery shop, see today, we want to present 6 kinds of trees that are becoming popular. So that you can get an idea in the house Including living from these trees

  1. Montora

When talking about trees that are now popular Would not be able to overlook the monsters Because it seems that this tree will be the top popularity Because it has a beautiful look, fresh green leaves, the bolts and the characteristics of the leaves are still striped like being stencil with beautiful nature. Including a tree that is easy to grow Suitable for Thailand Can be easily planted in the house Because this tree does not require sunlight And do not have to keep water every day Which the price of this tree is from 300-1,000 baht and this type of tree still has air purification properties as well Therefore, this type of tree is considered the initial type of person who turns attention to planting trees in the house.

  1. Indian rubber

This kind of tree has been popular than Monterey. Because it is another tree Easy to raise Which does not like wet, so watering just 1-2 times a week is enough This tree has a special characteristic. The leaves are rounded. The leaves are green. Beautiful for the seen But this tree has a charge Be careful not to hit its white rubber. Because it has toxicity This tree has the properties of air purification as well.

  1. Tattoo

This tree is elegant. And the shape is a beautiful wave Combined with artificial trees This tree has features for air purification and toxic suction as well. Therefore, people prefer to plant this tree in the bedroom. Which taking care of this tree is easy Which we do not need to be a lot of water But this tree doesn't like being in the sun Therefore should arrange it in the area where the light is enough

  1. Lotus

Minimal style tree With this cute appearance Very popular Because it can create a minimal atmosphere for that place With a manner with a plump root Thus causing the lotus to not want a lot of water And it is a plant that doesn't like the sun

  1. I ivory

This ivory is the same plant. Dragon tongue Where is the popularity in the house? But this type Get more popular Due to the cute shape And with its circuit It can release oxygen at night. And with the plump stem Making it able to distribute water spray To catch with dust as well Therefore, people prefer to bring this tree in the bedroom. For better relaxation

  1. Sana'a

This type of tree is similar to Montora. With beautiful stencil leaves Therefore, it is another interesting ornamental plant. Which the parenting is similar to Montora Makes this tree gain popular as well

Categories: House
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