7 ancient beliefs about marriage

A long time ago, the woman grew up with a dream about marriage with a fascinating prince. And don't worry about anything for their rest of their lives Men did not hunt for the perfect housewife. And the mother and his ten children ...

A long time ago, a young girl grew up with a dream about marriage with a fascinating prince and didn't have to worry about anything for their rest of their lives. Men did not hunt for the perfect housewife and Is a mother and ten children But even though we were also influenced by many misunderstandings that happy relationships should look like this is 7 ancient beliefs about the marriage you should forget if you want to be happy with your important people.

Ancient Belief # 1: Marriage will fix everything.

Not a woman and a gentleman who loves marriage is not the best way to remedy for the pain. And feeling lonely in your mind. If you have one thing before starting to have a relationship and bond, please rest assured that they will come back again soon. Happiness or your suffering will not happen and me. Repeat Never depends on the external factors, whether the husband Silver or beautiful house with a white fence

Ancient Belief # 2: He should be your best friend.

Now is just a prevalent misunderstanding, which some people believe seriously. All relationships are different. Your husband / wife may be the type of person you can talk about all. But it depends on how two of you practice Each other

Ancient beliefs # 3: Should be as easy as a fairy tale.

This is true - as soon as you bind the real difficulty will start up! The new challenge will happen and you have to deal with it, not any way. The relationship must be managed even though it is the happiest.

Ancient beliefs # 4: You will never fight

Fighting is an important part of marriage. Or any relationship for that matter Couples who are happy in strong relationships Do so to fix the problem Share reviews And find something really important for them if you avoid brawl Suspend your feelings or think easily that your spouse has no defects. Your relationship will end. With the disaster The explosion will happen sooner or later! The most important thing is to find a common point. And accepting the opinions together That will make both sides satisfied Therefore, your relationship will develop.

Ancient beliefs # 5: You have to do everything together.

Now this is dangerous because of the first phase of the relationship. (Or marriage) You just need time to be together all the time. Act activities together Not only your free time But also hobbies and meeting with friends Living like that may be fun for a while. But then one person must stop and that is very normal Have time for yourself Spend the evening with friends or favorite books. All of these things are important to your happiness. Marriage does not make both of you together all the time. On the other hand, each person is still a person who needs privacy, dreams and what they are interested in.

Ancient beliefs # 6: Compromise all the time will result in a happy marriage.

While this little compromise And the two sides tighten the relationship Composite all the time is the worst thing you can do for marriage. If you neglect your personal scope And hide your pain and stress from your partner. You will gradually become a person who is not very happy until it is unable to maintain the relationship. And respect for the boundaries of each other It is important to create a happy marriage.

Ancient beliefs # 7: Stress will kill your marriage.

There are many stresses. And some are not dangerous for marriage Sometimes stress will release the potential of creativity, otherwise it will not be useful. The decision to change the city or country may be stressed as well as the decision process that will have children or not. Avoiding tense situations will not help you escape from those situations. Therefore, the preparation is better. And use them to be the most full potential

Categories: relationships
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