Action 8 things can destroy your beautiful smile.

This stepped into the year 2020, which the actor's smile in Hollywood will not have for the celebs only anymore.

This stepped into the year 2020. Then the actor's smile in Hollywood will not have for the celebs only anymore. We all want to have a beautiful white teeth. And shine, but most of us choose to go in a wrong way instead of spending time thinking to find out how to protect your teeth from color from food and drinks or keeping your dental health well, but we choose To risk luck with electric toothbrush or teeth whitening products Which is something that can destroy your enamel Which is the opposite thing that you want completely This is a way that can destroy your beautiful smile and you should stop those actions.

1.Drinking soft drinks

Soft drink Is a terrible thing for your teeth If you drink it all day It's the same, you leave the opportunity for sugar. The island is along your enamel all the time. Which is very likely that dental diseases Will ask in the future It is already known that Sugar will make the tooth And soft drinks Like 90% sugar and more than that Drinking soft drinks will make your oral pH level decrease. Which may result in the color enamel to weaken and make your teeth change in the end

2.Smoking smoking

We know that smoking can kill human life. And it also causes stains On your teeth surface It also causes bad breath and may lead to oral cancer. So if you want a beautiful smile Hollywood actor We recommend that you quit smoking if you are still doing. Because there are no gum or Any mint candy That is enough to help reduce the color stains on your dental skin Caused by continuous smoking for a long time

3.Electric smoking

Electronic cigarette Or electric cigarette Many people think that if they stop traditional smoking And choose to smoke electric instead Which they fooled himself That electric cigarette Will not make them breath to see Or it does not cause the teeth to be yellow But at the same time They still have nicotine. Which is the idea that is not right Although there is no study of the long-term effects of electric smoking But there is a discovery that This electric cigarette Can still kill cells in the mouth Including your gums Which can affect your teeth Which is the best way Seeing it will not be busy with nicotine.

4.Drinking coffee and tea

Most of us know that drinking coffee can make our teeth stains, but we think that drinking tea is quite safe, but actually drinking tea makes the same effect as drinking coffee. If we look at the color of the enamel We mainly have a slight crack in the enamel. And when the coffee or tea is inserted to the small crack It may cause stain. And now you are interested in turning to drink green tea instead?


I always thought that drinking only one glass of wine With a dinner is not a bad thing But it turns out that the wine may cause the teeth to be alkaline as well. Especially if it is a red wine But some wines have sugar So it is so wine is not good for your dental health. Therefore, the new rules should be set as Drinking white wine, okay, okay, but don't worry about the red wine.


You know that sometimes when you are angry Until you have to bite your teeth to try to stop yourself from saying anything rude To drain that anger This action is not good for your teeth. Which may cause a small crack And over time is even worse And the most annoying thing is that some of us bite the jaw without knowing while sleeping So while you can control your jaw when you feel Then worry that he will bite the sleep or not You should find a couple topp.

7.Eating sticky food

If you like sweets Candy and candy types We have bad news. Every type of sugar is not good for your dental health. And will cause tooth decay But the sticky is worse Because it will be inserted between your teeth Which you will not notice even less And the more of those dietary debris is between your teeth, the damage that occurs is even more

8.Mouth and tongue penetration

Yes! It looks cool, which we don't refuse. But the mouth and tongue penetration Not good for your teeth. Which if you have a metal tumble in your mouth You can't stop to play. Or knock your teeth with those metals all day Which the result is a terrible thing By starting from having a scratch And small cracks on the tooth surface And you will start to have more teeth And over time The serious thing that will happen is Those metals can smash your teeth cracked if you accidentally.

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