Gokil! Here are the 6 Mel Professional YouTuber Mandatory in Subscribe

We will distribute 6 professional youtuber who must be subscribed! Is there anyone?

WorldMakeup. apparently will never die. You see, there are many Make Up Artist or MUA emerging in the country. Some are still learning, and there is also a professional. If you are very interested in the worldMakeup., Then we will distribute 6 MUA professional YouTuber mandatory insubscribeOf course! Is there anyone? Without waiting any longer, check first list below.

1. Rachel Goddard

If you are a fanbeauty vlogger, Must have been familiar with the name Rachel Goddard. Yep, the article, Rachel isbeauty vlogger senior who has been almost 10 years working in the world of YouTube. Until now, she has won nearly 3 millionSubscriber pretty, cool! Who does what is the contents that made Rachel Goddard?

Rachel Goddard who has holds a freelancemakeup artist professional, often really make a tutorialMakeup. ala Hollywood actresses and Indonesia. One had viral content is 'Kylie Jenner Makeup Tutorial'. In the content, Rachel tells how to applyMakeup. exactly like Kylie Jenner! In addition, she also likes to make content on the outsideMakeup., Such as on food, travel, up just the same cuap cuapSubscriber.

2. Sarah Ayu

At first there was Sarah Ayu list that is famous for its contents "Makeup 200k Challenge" and watched more than 400 thousand netizens know! Sarah Ayu was born on August 4, 1995 and began his career as a YouTuber on October 21, 2014. Until now, his YouTube channel has gained nearly 300 thousandSubscriber. Wow, it's really cool!

Sarah Ayu often create content aboutMakeup. with various themes. Starting from the clownfaceBy,beat full face, Halloween, untilreview. known cosmetic brands. Sarah Ayu was also a brother who is quite well known, namely Jovi Adhiguna. Do you know who it Jovi? Well, if you are curious, just deh kepoin his YouTube channel Sarah Ayu!

3. Alifah Queen Saelynda

Makeup. synonymous expensive? Oh no. For MUA from Bandung, Alifah Queen Saelynda, look beautifulMakeup. does not have to drain the bag. Because since 2016, Alifah like to review the various brandsMakeup. Local cheaply. One of its content is the famous 'Battle of Local Cushion' which has been viewed more than 2 million netizens!

Currently Alifah has been married to Ricky aditiya and had a baby who was born in 2019 ago. Even so, Alifah still indulge 1.34 millionSubscriberher to keep uploading videos onMakeup.. Very cool! Good luck hold ya Alifah!

4. Suhay Salim

Looks like we should not be too unhappy with something deh. Because fear kayak events Suhay Salim, originally hated the very sameMakeup., But ultimately, he's so in love dehMakeup.Of course! Suhay Salim was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on 12 October 1987. Initially, he inadvertently foundpassionhis asfreelance MUA is currently 24 years old.

At that time, Suhay Salim who basically likes photography, again photographing the activities of his friends during the holidays. Uh, fitting see the result, the result after a facial portraitMakeup. more interesting andswag than notMakeup.. Finally she deh same for police for police-world MUA. Until finally Suhay who initially hated, even fall in love with the worldMakeup. andSkincareOf course!

YouTube channel with 1.5 millionSubscriber, Suhay Salim often upload tipsMakeup. andSkincare with a style of delivery that gokil abis! One content withViewer The highest is when he makes content 'Skincare Routine + practice'. Duh, fun deh! Instead of curiosity, just glide to the YouTube channels Suhay Salim yes.

5. Tasya Farasya

In the next list there Tasya Farasya, beautiful girl from Jakarta should go to register MUA gokil Indonesia. You see, he was already very famous among loversMakeup.. MUA vlogger consistently pursue the world since 2016, Michael Jackson has earned about 3.74 millionSubscriber Why! Well, memangnya contents like what the heck is made Tasya?

Some of the content by the numberViewer The highest is when he uploaded content 'Secret Makeup MUA Hits! Khadijah Azzahra '. On the content, her famous duet with Khadijah Azzahra MUA. The video was watched by over 8 millionViewer Why! There is another video of him reviewMakeup. the most expensive in the world who watched about 8 millionViewer. Tasya's contents are often a duet with artist MUA hits or hits as well you know. Instead of curiosity, just for police deh-for police Tasya Farasya his YouTube channel!

6. It Vindy

If you love the worldMakeup., plusface painting, It shallsubscribeThis YouTube Channel is Vindy! The thing is, the woman whose full name is Harfrida Vindy Agustie really likes uploading content-contentFace Painting. which is anti-mainstream and nyeleneh. In fact, he became very popular because uploading contentFace Painting. Similar famous figures such as Jokowi, Suzanna, Soekarno, and others.

Even though it was nyeleneh, it turned out that Vindy became increasingly known and favored by loversMakeup.Of course! TechniqueMakeup.His vindy is also professional! It was proven when he uploaded the tutorial contentMakeup. extraordinary weddingswagOf course! Until now, this YouTube channel Vindy has around 1.8 millionSubscriber. Interested soSubscriber Is this Vindy?

Well, that's the 6th of the professional youtuber mandatory atSubscribe. Which is your favorite mua? Or do you have other idols? Tell us in the comments column!

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