Important! 7 tips for staying healthy during the rainy season

We will share 7 tips for staying healthy during the rainy season. Check the list below!

The rainy season has arrived a few months ago. Of course, heavy rain and floods do not prevent people to continue to carry out daily activities such as work, spending monthly needs, up tohang outwith friends.

But be careful, if it doesn't balance it with a fit body, the risk of contracting bacteria and viruses is getting higher. Well, this time we will share 7 tips for staying healthy during the rainy season. Check the first list below yes!

1. Consumption of vitamins

On the first list is consumption of vitamins regularly to maintain body immunity. Because consuming vitamins can provide good benefits and nutrients for the human body. What are there any vitamins?

In general, there are 6 types of vitamins, namely vitamin A for eye health, bones, skin, and strengthening the body's immune system. Then there are divided vitamins to be 5, namely B1 to maintain brain health, B3 to maintain the health of blood cells, B6 to regulate appetite, B9 to prevent fetal disability in pregnant women, and B12 to launch growth. In addition there are vitamin C to reduce the risk of cancer, vitamin D for calcium absorption, vitamin E to increase body resistance, and vitamin K for bone health.

But we emphasize that you should not consume vitamins excessively, because instead cause side effects for the health of the human body. If you consume vitamin supplements, you should consult a doctor about the recommendation of consumption of supplements, side effects, and the effects of drug, food, or other supplements, so that there is no excess vitamin or hypervitaminosis that can disrupt the body's metabolism and become poisons for the human body's tissue.

As for consumption of fruit and vegetables that contain a lot of vitamins, then the recommendation is 400 grams per day. Have you consumed vegetables and fruit today?

2. Sports

The next effective tips of course by exercising regularly so that the body remains healthy in the rainy season. Because it can increase insulin sensitivity, reduce blood fat levels, blood pressure, and improve body fitness.

But of course, you must pay attention to your sports schedule. Don't just sport once and short term, then not exercise at all in a few months, it actually causes significantly increased abdominal fat and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other dangerous diseases.

So we recommend that exercise regularly 3 times a week duration 1 hour, or 5 times a week duration 30 minutes. The exercise you can do is mild to medium intensity like gymnastics, jogging, pool, cycling, and others. Do not be too intensely exercising every day because it can cause some health problems such as the weakening of body resistance, sleep disorders, or heart problems. So, don't forget to exercise regularly!

3. Adjust the diet with balanced nutrition

The third important tips are regulating the diet with balanced nutrition. It is very important that the body get nutrients maximally. In addition to vitamins on the first tips, other nutrients that are good for the body are proteins, for example, come from eggs, omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, complex carbohydrates from red rice, and fibers from pears.

It should be noted that we only give examples of some foods containing nutrients above. Besides what we mentioned, there are still many other types of foods that still contain the nutritional component anyway!

In addition, the advice of nutrients per day from various nutritionists for adults is 46 grams of protein, 55 grams of omega-3, around 300 grams of complex carbohydrates, and 30 grams of fiber. But this number can change depending on the age and gender person.

4. Minimize traveling

If you are the type of person who likes to walk while free, you should reduce it. Because it can reduce the risk of endurance decreasing due to fatigue, especially if the rain. Because of the fact, the rain can force the body to issue excessive energy due to the cold or changes in body temperature which is quite drastic. So that it is susceptible to various diseases such as influenza, diarrhea, itching, to Covid-19.

If you really have to or forced to travel out of the house, it is recommended to wear shoes, warm clothes, and apply 3m, namely using masks, wash hands, and keep the distance from all bacteria and viruses including Covid-19.

5. Diligent in maintaining body cleanliness

It turns out that bathing routines every day can bring many benefits. How come you can? Yep, because according to some research, take a morning bath with cold water or temperature water being able to facilitate blood circulation. So that the body becomes healthier and fit to undergo daily activities.

In addition to the morning bath, cleaning the body after traveling can also kill bacteria and viruses that attach to the body, thereby reducing the risk of rainy season disease, including Covid-19.

6. Diligently clean the house

Maintaining environmental cleanliness is also one of the right tips to keep the body healthy even though the rain struck. Because cleaning the house, can kill viruses and bacteria attached to every corner of the house. Clean each room in your home regularly, and make sure every corner has been clean perfect. Usually the missing parts are window frames, door handles, cabinets, or bottom mattresses.

In addition, the rainy season is the right time for dengue fever mosquitoes growing. So we encourage you to do 4m plus, which is draining a minimum water shelter once a week, burying used goods, closing water shelter, and monitor and turn off the source of mosquito larvae routinely.

7. Enough rest and sleep

The last and most easy tips for doing is enough rest. Although the easiest, but it seems that there are still many who underestimate it so often stay up late at night. Even if it does, it will bring many benefits to the body, one of which is strengthening the immune system.

According to a doctor's advice, adults need a break and sleep for 7-9 hours. So if you sleep less than 7 hours, you should change that habit! But, what if we are forced to sleep at night less than 7 hours because of important things like work, or caring for babies? If so, then you can install your sleep time during the day. So if you can only sleep 4 hours night, then you can take a nap at least 3 hours.

Well, that's 7 tips for staying healthy even though it is rainy season. In your opinion, which tips are the most important? Tell us in the comments column!

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