Extraordinary! These are 6 natural ways to improve vision

It turns out there is a natural and safe way to improve eye vision! What ways are there?

Who doesn't want to have a healthy eye? Of course everything wants it! Well, besides using medical action, it turns out there are natural and safe ways to improve eye vision so that it becomes healthier and more well. What ways are there? Calm down, we have summarized it in 6 points below!

1. Sports of the eye

The first natural way is eye sports, which is very effective for increasing vision power in the eyes. There are many eye sports methods and are very easy to do anywhere. How to?

The first is to rotate a circular head from right to left then up down the eyes staring forward. Besides that you can also flash for 2 minutes, then look right and slowly move the view to the left. In addition, the other method is to close the eyes and slowly move the eyeballs up and down for 10 times, focusing vision on something far away and imagining creating a simple geometric pattern using the direction of eye view. Really easy right?

2. Consumption of food with certain nutrients

Nutritional intake in food is of course very influential on eye health. By consuming proper nutrition, our vision will increase naturally. What are the nutrients needed by the eye?

The first nutrition isLutein. These nutrients are often referred to as eye vitamins, and very effectively reduce macular degeneration associated with age and eye disease. Rich foodLutein Among them are spinach, broccoli, kiwi, oranges and wine.

In addition, there is also Omega-3 also has benefits similar to lutein, which reduces macular degeneration. But by consuming Omega-3 we can also prevent cataracts and overcome dry eye symptoms. Omega-3 can be found in fatty fish such as salmon and sardines

We have known vitamin A which is very common as a powerful vitamin sharpening eye vision. This is the first eye nutrition found and used by the community in the world. We can meet vitamin A in carrots and sweet potatoes.

The last important nutrient for vision is iron. These nutrients can help protect the eyes of macular degeneration. In addition, iron is also very important to maintain optimal body and health function. Some examples of foods that contain iron are lobster, crabs, oysters, nuts, green leafy vegetables and lean red meat.

3. Change the lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is also an essential thing to increase eye vision naturally. Some examples of healthy lifestyles that must be applied are using gadgets wisely and follow the rules about it. You know, what are there any rules? The first, limit the use of gadgets in children, a maximum of 2 hours a day. Then applyRule 20-20., ie 20 minutes staring at the screen and 20 seconds break. Don't forget to apply a ban on playing gadgets while lying down or with dim or dark lights. All rules for using gadgets can keep the eyes healthy.

In addition to the rules of using gadgets, other important healthy lifestyles are maintaining weight to remain ideal, avoid smoking and drinking liquor, and avoid staring at the sun directly. With the changing lifestyle becomes healthier, this will also be effective in inhibiting macular degeneration and increasing vision in the long run.

4. Rest the eye

All parts of the body need to rest, including eyes. Therefore, sleep for 8 hours without any distraction can rest the eye to the maximum. But if you can't sleep 8 hours, then try to rest your eyes for 5-10 minutes in the middle of a solid activity. Or at least do the rules of 20-20 as we explain in the third list above.

By resting the eyes, we will also prevent the eyes get tired. Although it does not have a direct impact on eye vision, it is very effective in maintaining eye health so that it slows down macular degeneration. Well, did your eyes have rested today?

5. Massage your eyes

On the fifth list there is a fairly easy way that massages the area around the eyes. It is very effective to help stimulate the flow of lymph fluid, so that it makes the eyes fresher and reduce the risk of weak vision. Indeed, how do you massage your eyes correctly?

The first step is to massage my eyebrows and give pressure on the piercard, then massage from the end of the eyebrows near the nose to pointing out. Do the first step for 1 minute. Then the second step is the soft massage of the bones around the eye using the finger with the same duration, about 1 minute. Then press the inner eye tip near the nose using the thumb and release it, do 5 times. And the final step is to press the external eye tip with the index finger, press and remove again. Do this 5 times. It's easy, right?

6. Keep your eyes hydrated

The final step and no less important is to hydrate the eyes regularly. It aims to cleanse the eyes of dust and dirt that can cause infection. In addition, by hydrating the eyes, we will avoid the risk of being exposed to dry eyes.

The easiest and simplest way is to wink in the midst of solid activity. This can help the eyes stay hydrated even though they are working hard. The next way is compressing the eyes with warm water to remove oil collected in the eye area that can cause blurry views.

Well that's 6 natural ways to improve our vision! Approximately from the points above, have you ever done it or often? How are the benefits for your health vision? Tell us in the comments column!

Categories: Lifestyle
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