6 ways of treatment and natural therapy for type 2 diabetics

Do you know that diabetes are actually 2 types?

One of the most unwanted diseases is diabetes. Because other than not free to eat anything, diabetics are more at risk of experiencing complications. Well, do you know that diabetes are actually 2 types? Yep, there are 2 types of diabetes namely type 1 and type 2 diabetes, what's the difference?

Quite different. Type 1 diabetes makes the pancreas cannot or just produce insulin hormones that are useful for controlling blood sugar. While type 2 diabetes makes body cells less sensitive to insulin hormones, even though the production of insulin hormones is normal.

Well, from there we can distinguish that in type 1 diabetics must be routine insulin injections to be able to control sugar levels in the body. While type 2 diabetics can be handled early by carrying out treatment and therapy, both with or without medical supervision. Well, this time we will discuss 6 ways of treatment and natural therapy for type 2 diabetics. There are any way? Check the first list below!

1. Duwet therapy

Who has ever heard or looked at the name of duwet fruit orJambol.Likewrite? If not, you must know the fruit named scientificSyzygium Cumini this. Even though his name is rather foreign, but Duwet turned out to be quite popular in a number of regions in Indonesia by nameJamblang, Jambolan, black plum, jawa plum, up toBlackberry Indian. Even though it looks like wine, but actually duwet is a type of jambuan tribe, you know! Then, what is the efficacy of duwet for diabetes?

Duwet has long been used by Indians as natural treatment and diabetes therapy. According to Drs. H. Arief Hariana, Duwet has antidiabetic properties and contains tannins that can reduce blood sugar levels. The method of treatment is quite easy, wash thoroughly 15 seeds of duwet that has been dried, then puree and simmer with boiled water. Drink cooking water Duwet 3 times a day to get the benefit.

2. Cinnamon therapy

According to the journal Diabetes Care and Agricultural Research Magazine, cinnamon proved to be very useful as natural therapy with type 2 diabetes. According to the study of the journal, cinnamon is very useful for reducing blood glucose levels and cholesterol. From the study, consuming 1 grams of cinnamon every day can increase insulin sensitivity and help cure diabetes symptoms because it can maintain a surge in blood sugar after eating. Extraordinary!

Even so, there are rules and special ways in concocting cinnamon as natural diabetes therapy. How to? Provide 2 stem cinnamon with a length of 5 centimeters each. Then boil with 200 ml hot water then drink while warm. Drink cinnamon decoction water 2 times a day to effectively reduce blood sugar levels in the body.

3. Ciplukan therapy

Next list There is a ciplukan that you might often meet on the banks of the river or city park. Usually, ciplukan grows wild in Indonesia and not few people plant ciplukan to benefit. According to Drs. H. Arief Hariana in his book entitled '262 Medicinal Plants and His Efficacy', Ciplukan is very cheap and easily cultivated and benefits. What is the benefits of ciplukan?

Ciplukan fruit that is cooked and yellow contains malic acid, alkaloids, tannins, cryptoxantin, and vitamin C which is very beneficial for diabetics. In addition, the roots and ciplukan stems also contain saponins to reduce blood sugar levels in the body. Then, how do you process it?

Provide 1 ciplukan whole plant that has been fruitful. Clean the plants from the roots, stems, leaves, to the fruit, then let stand until wilted. After wither, boil the plant with 3 cups of water until boiling and leaving only 1 cup of water. Then drink ciplukan water once a day.

But remember, the ciplukan fruit should not be less mature. Because if it is immature and still green, the fruit actually contains poisons that can trigger cramps, diarrhea, even heart damage. So monitor the fruit until golden yellow!

4. Moringa leaf therapy

Next list there is a natural therapy for moringa leaves that are already famous in the world of herbs. You can cultivate it on the ground that isn't even too fertile. Not a few people use Moringa leaves as ingredients, traditional medicine, to supplements. Indeed, what are the benefits of Moringa leaves for the health of the body?

Moringa leaves have antidiabetic properties and contain beta carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin C, carbohydrates, ferum, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, andZinc.. So it is effective for treating type 2 diabetes. The processing method is quite easy, prepare about 5 grams of melor leaves and wash thoroughly without squeezing it. Then boil using 3 cups of water and wait until it shrinks to 1 cup. Then drink the decoction of the Moringa leaf. Keep in mind that Moringa leaves have less good side effects for pregnant women. Therefore, still consult a doctor about how to therapy natural leaves.

5. Turmeric therapy

You must be familiar with turmeric. Yep, turmeric is often used as food and food coloring such as yellow rice, lontong curry, and soto. But do you know that it turns out that turmeric is very good for type 2 diabetics? Yep turmeric with antioxidant content can be an effective drug type 2 diabetes.

The way it is also not difficult. Provide 300 mg of turmeric and brew. Based on the study of the journal Diabetes Care, it consumed for 9 months to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes and prevent diabetes complications. Good luck!

6. Do a healthy lifestyle

On the last list there are quite different ways than the previous ways, namely doing a healthy lifestyle! Right, this healthy lifestyle tips specifically for diabetics. What are there any tips? The first is to drink water often to help the body eliminate excess glucose through urine. In addition, you are also recommended to exercise lightly but routinely at their homes, can be jogging or aerobic gymnastics.

In addition, people with type 2 diabetes are also recommended to perform a special diet named Mediterranean. The trick is the contents of the food menu with the main ingredients of plants such as fruit, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Then replace all evil fats so fat is good like olive oil. Then replace all artificial spices into natural spices from spices such as basil, celery seeds, cumen, and garlic. Finally, limit the consumption of red meat.

Well, that's the 6 ways of treatment and natural therapy for diabetics type 2. You need to know that natural treatment and therapy does not always bring the same benefits for everyone. There are even some people who even experience unwanted side effects because of allergies, pregnant, and excessive consumption or together with other treatments.

Therefore, do not consume herbal medicines above simultaneously and still consult a doctor and monitor blood sugar levels regularly to find out whether herbal medicines work well or not. May we all stay healthy!

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