6 Indonesian original plants, have seen it?

It seems durian is one of them, huh!

Indonesia is an archipelago country that has so many species of flora and fauna endemic, or only found in certain areas only. Previously, we never talk aboutfauna endemic in Indonesia. Now it's time we talk about 6 native to Indonesia is important for you to know. Why is it important? Immediately, yes to the first list below for the answer!

1. Durian

Written records of durian The oldest is from Borobudur temple reliefs, which was founded circa 775-820 AD. In relief was reflected in some fruits like mango, jackfruit, Duku, banana, coconut, palm, and durian. This proves that the durian is a plant that originally comes from Indonesia.

Meanwhile, based on the research of botanist, wild durian is most prevalent in the region of Borneo, Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. Approximately 20 of the 29 species found on the Indonesian durian. As we know, the durian has a distinctive taste and controversial. There was a group of people who really fond of eating the fruit, and there is also a whiff of it alone was nausea. If you're the type which is it?

2. Rafflesia Arnoldii

The second plant israfflesia arnoldii very rare and can only be found in the area of ​​Bengkulu, Jambi and South Sumatra. Inventor of flora species are Thomas Stamford Raffles and Dr. Joseph Arnold, during an expedition in the tropical forests of Bengkulu in 1818. At the time, actually found was Arnold, but as the leader of the expedition is Raffles, finally digabungkanlah 2 names.

Now, you can see the unique plant in its main conservation area in the Kerinci Seblat National Park. Uniquely,rafflesia arnoldii actually includes no parasitic plant stalks, leaves, and roots. Other namerafflesia arnoldii is a giant lotus, which is often misunderstood as the corpse flower. Though giant corpse flower and lotus are two different plants, even though they emit a foul odor.

3. The Black Orchid

Black orchid is an orchid species that grow in the area of ​​Sumatra and Borneo. Although the so-called black orchid, but it is not entirely black appearance. Onlylabellumits just black, the rest is dominant to green. This includes black orchid plants protected by the government, so it is forbidden to take, remove, destroy, maintaining, or transporting these crops. If you dare to violate, it will be fined at most a hundred million or imprisonment for a maximum of 5 years, you know! So if you find any of these plants, is quite photogenic yes.

Black Orchid is the mascot of the flora of East Kalimantan province and is being pursued its preservation in the nature reserve of grit Luway, because the population is dwindling. Unfortunately, black orchid habitat is not as much as before, due to rampant illegal logging and forest degradation in Borneo.

4. The bag Semar

In the fourth list no pitcher, which is estimated to come from the island of Borneo and Sumatra as habitat of this species found mostly in the area. Uniquely this plant is carnivorous and likes to catch insects, frogs or caterpillars. But do not worry, this plant will not harm humans and feed on living beings are not without recourse.

Even more unique, it turns out pitcher symbiotic mutualism with the bat. So when a bat landed on the pitcher, he does not take the bat it, but let it go and let it go. Then the bat droppings into nutrients for the pitcher. Mutual benefit, yes!

If you are interested to maintain pitcher to kill insects in the home, then how maintenance should also be appropriate. You have to keep the soil to remain moist so that the plant can grow well and do not die. You are interested in maintaining and caring for these exotic plants?

5. Cloves

Cloves are actually the dried flower buds of the family treeMyrtaceae. According to some sources, clove is native to Indonesia and used as a spicy seasoning in various parts of the world. In fact, a key ingredient of clove cigarettes Indonesian specialties. As if, cloves come from?

According to historical sources, cloves are known to have come from North Maluku Province and become one of the identities of the flora of the area. Clove is dark brown and shaped like a plant bud in general. Many locals who are traditionally used to use cloves as additional food ingredients, because of antioxidant content and antimicrobes. In fact, cloves are also used as natural drugs of diarrhea, bloating, and throat inflammation. However, don't think that clove cigarettes are good for health, because it's completely wrong. Cigarettes in any form are not good for health, yes!

6. Edelweis.

On the last list there are flowersEdelweis. which only grew on several mountains in Indonesia for example Lawu, Semeru, and Sindoro. FlowerEdelweis. looks beautiful, with a combination of white and yellow.Edelweis. Found about 200 years ago by German naturalist named Georg Carl Reinwardt in the Gunung Gede area, West Java.

FlowerEdelweis. Dubbed the eternal flower because it has a long blooming time, around 10 years. Then if you accidentally find interestEdelweis., never plan to pick it up, because according to Law Number 5 of 1990 Article 33 paragraph 1 and 2 of the conservation of biological resources and ecosystems,Edelweis.must not be picked carelessly, so that there is no scarcity because the process of growing is very long. If it breaks it, will be subject to a fine of Rp. 100 million or a maximum imprisonment of 5 years.

Well, that's the 6 original Indonesian plants that need to be known to add to our insight. Which plans have you ever met? It seems durian is one of them, huh! Well, if you have facts of Indonesian endemic plants besides those on this list, let us know in the comments column, huh!

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: knowing
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