Here are the 6 highest mountain peaks in Indonesia, dare to take it?

Indonesia has a beautiful and recognized landscape of the world. Naturally, if there are many foreign tourists who are addicted to various natural charms, including a beautiful circuit of mountains. Well, this time we will share about the 6 highest mountains in Indonesia. Have you ever climbed one of them? It could be that you will suddenly make a plan there after reading this. Don't believe? Just go to our first list!

Indonesia has a beautiful and recognized landscape of the world. Naturally, if there are many foreign tourists who are addicted to various natural charms, including a beautiful circuit of mountains. Well, this time we will share about the 6 highest mountains in Indonesia. Have you ever climbed one of them? It could be that you will suddenly make a plan there after reading this. Don't believe? Just go to our first list!

1. Puncak Jaya.

On the first list there is the highest mountain in Indonesia named Puncak Jaya orCartensz Pyramid.. The mountains are crowned as one of the 7 peaks of the world (Seven Summits) This is located in Puncak Jaya Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia. The mountain peak has a height of 4,884 meters above sea level.

Uniquely, in Puncak Jaya there is a glacier or the only snack in Indonesia. You can also find glaciers in the mountain slopes. But unfortunately, the snowlands are threatened with disappearing due to global warming. Many geologists estimate snow at Puncak Jaya will disappear in 2020.

In addition, there have been several well-known expeditions to explore this Carstensz area, one of which was initiated by legendary explorers Anton Colijn, Geologist Jean Jacques Dozy, and Dutch Pilot Fritz Julius Wiscsel. In addition, there was also an Austrian climbing group who tried to conquer Puncak Jaya.

If you want to climb the peak of Jaya, then you have to prepare around 50 million rupiah. Naturally, because equipment that must be rented is relatively expensive. Other challenges, Puncak Jaya Climbing routes are also not easy, such as having to pass a series of valleys, slopes, and vertical cliffs. You'd better think about mature before climbing the top of Jaya, huh?

2. Peak Mandala

The second highest mountain list in Indonesia falls at the peak of the mandala with a height of 4,760 meters above sea level. This mountain is in Bintang District, Papua Province, and close to the Papua New Guinea border. During the Dutch colonial period, this mountain is known asJulianatop.or Juliana's peak.

Similar to Puncak Jaya, first at the top of the mandala there is a glacier, but has disappeared due to global warming. However, the weather and temperature on this mountain are still very cold and extreme. Only a few climbers managed to conquer this mountain. The first climbing group to the top was the Dutch people, Herman Verstappen, Arthur Escher, Max Tissing, Jan De Wjin, and Piet Teralag on September 9, 1959.

Then in 1990, 2 friends named Bruce Parry and Mark Anstice also managed to reach the top of the southern route. So far, there are no more people who can conquer the peak of Mandala because the terrain is spooky and the weather is extreme. Are you interested in reaching the top of the mandala?

3. Peak Trikora

On the third list is a mountain with a height of 4,751 meters above sea level, named Puncak Trikora. Similar to Puncak Jaya and Mandala, the peak of the trikora which is an acronym of the Tri Command of the people is in the province of Papua, and has a glacier that envelops the plain.

The climbing path can be accessed from Wamena and is a climbing line. Some climbers who managed to conquer the peak of Trikora were H.A Lorentz, Herderschee, Hubrecht, and Versteeg in 1913. While on January 27, 2013, the University of Indonesia's climbing team managed to open a new lane to the top of Trikora.

Although the cost of accommodation and facilities is quite expensive with a fairly heavy climbing line, but the natural beauty there is second to none, one of which is the existence of the highest lake in Indonesia named Habema. The lake is at an altitude of 3,200 meters above sea level, so it is often nicknamed the lake above the clouds. The view on the lake is very charming. You will be welcomed by birds of cendrawasih and stretch of meadows around the lake. But be careful when swimming in this lake, because the temperature can reach zero degrees at night.

4. The peak is not piimsit

The next mountain is still in Papua. Precisely in Paniai Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia. Wow, Papua does have many high mountains, huh! Well, another name from Puncak Ngga Pilimsit was Mountain Idenburg, which was taken from the name of the Dutch East Indies governor in 1909-1916 named Alexander Willem Frederik Idenburg.

Puncak Ngga Pilimsit has a height of 4,717 meters above sea level and is still included in the ranks of Make mountains. The attraction of this mountain is the presence of beautiful lakes with dark green water. But in the dry season, the lake will dry out and leave algae plants. The expedition team that managed to reach the first peak was Heinrich Harrer and Philip Temple. Interested in Destying it?

5. Mount Kerinci.

After the position of 1 to 4 is controlled by mountains in Papua, for the 5th position achieved by the mountain in Sumatra, namely Mount Kerinci. Even so, this mountain still includes the highest volcano in Indonesia, and the highest peak outside Papua. You can find it on the border of West Sumatra and Jambi, in the Bukit Barisan mountains, about 130 kilometers south of Padang.

Mount Kerinci is at an altitude of 3805 meters above sea level. In this mountain area there are many unique plants likeArnoldi Raflesia, Amorphophallus Titanum, Fir, and some kind of mahogany. In addition, you can also find a very beautiful crater covering an area of ​​400 x 120 meters, which is filled with green water. If you are interested in delivering it, then you must prepare provisions and equipment for 2 days. And beware of the weather on the mountain. If weather conditions are not friendly, you should delay climbing.

6. Mount Rinjani

If on the first list until the fifth is too high for you, the mountain on the last list can be a good reference. Yes, Mount Rinjani, which is on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara is one of the favorite mountains of Indonesian climbers because of its amazing natural charm like Segara Children, Rinjani Mountain Crater Lake covering an area of ​​11 million square meters with a depth of 230 meters. The waterfall on the lake also looks very beautiful, falling towards a steep ravine.

Mount Rinjani has a height of 3,726 meters from sea level and includes the second highest volcano in Indonesia. There are 4 official climbing lines to reach at the peak of Anjani, namely Sembalun, Senaru, Aik Berik, and Timbanuh. But most climbers began a journey from Sembalun and ended up in Senaru.

How, do you get interested in exploring the mountains on this list? Be patient until this pandemic is really over, so that your trip will be smooth and really satisfy your curiosity. The last thing and most importantly, don't forget to keep healthy!

Categories: Food & Travel
Tags: Indonesia
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