Lika twists and turns of Jenita Janet's wedding and Alief Hedy, led to divorce!

A feud between Jenita Janet and Alief Hedy after divorcing, what's wrong?

Have you ever heard a song titled "Di Reject"? If ever, it means you know who the singer, Yep, he is Jenita Janet. The woman born in Bandung, July 1, 1987 turned out to have just been married to a Tajir businessman named Danu Sofwan in 2020 after previously divorcing her ex-husband, Alief Hedy.

But it was apparently a feud between Jenita Janet and Alief Hedy, even when Jenita was married to Danu Sofwan. What are there problems between them? Well, this time we will discuss about the twists and turns of Jenita Janet's wedding and Alief Hedy, led to divorce to clash of gono-gini treasure!

1. Married Siri since 2010

Jenita Janet turned out to have married Siri with Alief Hedy Nurmaulid since November 6, 2010, you know! They claimed to have married Siri and underwent a household together. At that time, their household life was very vulnerable, because Jenita and Alief decided not to tell the public about their Siri marriage, for the smooth runners of Jenita Janet's career. Reportedly, the request came from the management because the audience likes dangdut singers who are stillFresh.andsingle.

Alfi Hedy had told the media, "it's the idea of ​​both because first, right, if on the stage, right, moreFresh. stillsingle, I finally succumbed. At that time I relented to okay not recognized as a husband for his career. " Alief also admitted that he sacrificed his career as a memberBand. which was quite famous in 2007. Jenita Janet and Alief are also reported to have lived hard, even Jenita Janet had timeGigfrom village to village.

2. Alief became his manager Jenita Janet

Alief Hedy who was originally a memberBand. Choosing his heart's poet, Jenita Janet, and switched profession as his manager. Although Jenita's household ark and Alief are often shrouded in arguments, even divorce divorce, but Jenita Janet's collaboration and Alief Hedy remain compact and professional. This was stated by the attorney Jenita Janet, Febriani Rahayu, in the Bekasi Religious Court, West Java, 2020.

Febriani said, "Indeed, they had a problem as a husband and wife. But they are professional, so Janet work is not interchanging work to the household. " Jenita Janet also opened the voice, "in the middle of my successful career tripWL, I flew to Bandung to invite my husband to become a manager. At that time my husband didn't work. " Janet also said that he did not intend to demean Alief, but he believed her husband could help care for a very busy and hard job.

3. Delay has children for your career

During marriage, the couple Jenita Janet and Alief Hedy did not have children. In the YouTube Cumicumi channel, Alief Hedy admitted that they deliberately postpone pregnancy for the smooth running of Jenita's career as a dangdut singer. Alief said, "nine years of marriage we have no children because he always holds back children for careers, for the sake of savings first, have assets. Therefore, I sacrifice, so we have savings first, have all kinds of assets. But yes, when everything collects instead it becomes a problem. "

But Jenita Janet revealed different things. According to him, he should be worried because he still doesn't have children until now. Jenita said, "Mas Alief might be able to be able to connect, but I am a woman who will give birth. Relationship, it is closely related to my life. I am increasingly aged, my risk automatically giving birth is also big, so you know. "

4. Religious divorce in 2014

Janeta Janet's household ark and closed Hedy Alief becomes uncontrollably and often conflicts. Until 2012, they decided LDR (Long-Distance Relationship) Because it often quarrels. Even reportedly, in that year, Alief had time to pronounce divorce to Jenita Janet.

Finally Jenita Janet decided to separate on June 24, 2014, even though it was legitimate in religion, but at that time their divorce was not legally legally due to marrying Siri. Despite religious divorce, but they still maintain good relations, Alief also remains his manager Jenita Janet.

5.OfficialDivorced in 2020

After Janet Janet and Alief Hedy deliberately covered up the marriage of Siri and postponed pregnancy, until it was reportedly religious divorce in 2014, finally the two of them were reported to have been legally divorced since 2020. This was justified by Pariyanto, the Registrar of the Bekasi Religious Court.

Pariyanto said, "Right. Just the name isn't Janet, Juliana right. It was true that it was registered at the Bekasi Religious Court on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. Who entered Mrs. Juliana through her attorney and who sued her husband, Mr. Alief. " Although it has filed for divorce in early December 2019, the judge passed their divorce for quite a long time, namely on March 17, 2020. Janeta Janet said that during the mediation period, Alief had wanted to refer, but Janeta claimed to be disappointed again so the reference process failed.

6. Alief Sues Gana-Gini Treasure

After thoroughly divorced legally, it turned out that Alief said that the treasure owned by Jenita Janet is now a joint treasure. He said that Jenita Janet was successful because of his business too. Alief said, "As I always say, whatever in the marriage is a shared treasure, especially I started zero with Janet. I wanted to dismiss the assumption of people that it was conditioned by Janet so that I was as if it didn't work, I was as if there was no contribution with her career. "

Unlike the Alief, Jenita Janet felt that the treasure lawsuit was her ex-husband was unfair because she suddenly asked for a 50% quota, unless the Alief contributed to buying the assets required. Jenita said, "We have not bought personal items, which we want to just refute their family, buy a house, buy a car. What I bought was really an asset that could be enjoyed together, right he also enjoyed at that time. "

From the treasure lawsuit, Alief demanded Janeta Janet to give 6 assets ranging from home, car, to Harley Davidson motorcycle. But Jenita Janet's side refused the lawsuit. Through the attorney, Jenita suspected that Alief was not honest when she sued the treasure because she was suspected of having enjoyed the money from the sale of assets around 2017-2019 ago without the knowledge of Jenita Janet. Beyond that, Janeta Janet claimed to have given around 1 billion rupiah to Alief Hedy. Until now, the conflict of the treasure is still not complete. From the story of the twists and turns and this divorce, is there still a story that is missed from us? Share in the comments!

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