Choose a diet on the sign of the zodiac

Stars affect not only the formation of character, but also on the physique.

Stars affect not only the formation of character, but also on the physique. Given the features of your zodiac sign, you can make a right diet and achieve an ideal form.

1. Aries

Swift Aries sin so that they like to fill the energy of high-calorie food. And this is their mistake. If possible, limit the use of fried food and confectionery. It is not recommended to use coffee, alcohol and strong tea. These drinks stimulate the central nervous system, and it is so mobile. Aries fits food according to graphics - 3-4 meals per day. But from diets and light snacks it is necessary to refuse.

2. Taurus

The exchange of substances in the shoulders slowed down, so you should refrain from overeating and oily food. Seriously limit the use of flour and confectionery. Tauris should learn how to carefully chew food and is not on the night.

3. Twins

Air twins, needed food rich in calcium: fish, dairy products, greens. You can afford several snacks. But it should not be sweets or coffee. Prefer vegetation food: nuts, fruit, wholegrain loaf. Instead of hard diets, it is better to introduce weekly unloading days.

4. Cancer

Cancers are enough 2-3 temperate meals per day. The main thing is not to overeat. In your diet must be attended by marine fish and seafood. The main recommendation for this sign is in a good mood. If you are angry, anxiety, or other negative emotions, it is better to postpone me to side.

5. Lev.

To whom the diets are contraindicated, so it is a lion. They only hold their nervous system in tension, but do not help lose weight. If you decide to drastically change your diet, then do it gradually. In the menu, give preference to post meat, allocate cereals and fruits.

6. Deva.

Virgin is terrible workaholics. That is why their feeding mode often suffers. You better avoid irregular meals, snacks on the go and large portions of food. Include in your diet herbal infusions with a relaxing effect. It is best to use them a couple of hours after dinner.

7. Scales

Weighs should be consumed more liquid, as well as avoid sharp and salty dishes. Eat more products that support acid-alkaline balance. These are nuts, greens, lemons, fermented milk products.

8. Scorpio

Scorpions, first of all, should learn to abide by the measure. You, by the way, is ideal for a fractional food mode - 5-6 times a day. Make sure that fiber is enough in the diet. Whole grain bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes - perfect food for you.

9. Sagittarius

The archers should limit the use of spices, severe animal food and alcohol. In your diet, add tomatoes and vitamin chains rich in vitamin C. Weekly unloading days will help you save a wonderful shape.

10. Capricorn.

Capricorn advise not to experiment with diets. This sign is quite vulnerable to the abdominal organs and intestines. A tough diet can not only upset the digestive system, but also to disrupt the metabolism in the body. Observe the balance and pay attention to the quality of food consumed - this is the main rule for the Capricors.

11. Aquarius

Punched aquaries are capable of kilograms to absorb the sdobu, fast food and sandwiches with sausage. Over time, this may cause a set of excess weight. If possible, refuse to dry and fast food. And most importantly - try to eat by the hour. So you will learn to feel when you really are hungry.

12. Fish

Fish should be avoided sweets and eating dry. In your diet should be seafood rich in iodine. You can approach separate meals, it will reduce the load on your rather vulnerable digestive system.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: food / Zodiac
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