Hormonal background and overweight: 7 hormones prefering to lose weight

It is no secret that hormones and weight are interconnected!

It is no secret that hormones and weight are interrelated. Age, health status, time of year, bad habits and even moods significantly affect their level: it falls, it increases again. Along with hormones, human weight fluctuates. Especially clear relationships can be traced in the female organism. Here are 8 main hormones that prevent you from resetting extra kilograms.

  1. Cortisol

Cortisol is called a stress hormone. It is produced by adrenal glands in response to stressful situations. The constantly high level of cortisol leads to a deterioration of metabolism, a decrease in muscle mass and accumulation of fatty layers. In the case of cortisol, fat is postponed exclusively on the stomach and waist, but the limbs on the contrary look thin. How to downgrade the level of cortisol? Run on citrus, kiwi and sweet red pepper. These products are rich in vitamin C, which reduces the generation of cunning hormone by 30%. Candle coffee and tea: Caffeine increases the level of cortisol in the blood. Take the yoga, meditate and feel good.

  1. Melatonin

Melatonin is the main skit controller. It slows down a set of excess weight. That is why chronic lack of sleep is one of the causes of obesity. The smaller the person sleeps, the harder it is to get rid of extra kilograms. You can increase the level of melatonin using simple rules: do not use gadgets before going to bed, sleep in a dark room and no less than 7-8 hours per day. Eat more products rich in melatonin: bananas, tomatoes, cherry, fresh mint and grenades.

  1. Great

Grelin is called hormone hunger. Its sharp jumps caused by lack of sleep or rigid diets are caused by a brutal appetite leading to overeating. If you decide to lose weight, do it with the mind. Eat in small portions every 3-4 hours, without provoking a sense of strong hunger.

  1. Leptin

Leptin also controls the feeling of hunger: he is responsible for appetite and saturation. During meals, Leptin gives the brain the signal that the body has been saturated. If the hormone is not recognized by the brain, a person has insensitivity to leptin. From here and frequent overeating. Abuse of sweet fruit and desserts contributes to the development of resistance to this hormone. However, not only the food, but also sleep affects the level of leptin in the blood. People who are sleeping less than 7 hours per night are experiencing overweight.

  1. Insulin

Fast carbohydrates dominate your daily diet? This leads to sharp emissions of insulin into blood. Once insulin increases, the level of glucose in the body falls. You feel hunger again and run for another bun. Such a vicious circle, which is very difficult to break. To quickly reset the extra weight, we advise you to prevent sharp jumps of the hormone in the blood. To do this, consume more proteins and fiber. Fully eliminate refined products and table sugar. And also do not forget about moderate physical exertion - this is the best way to normalize blood sugar.

  1. Estrogen

The lack of steroid female hormones is also caused by a weight gain. Often, estrogen deficiency provokes love for sweet. Thus, the body is trying to stock in fat deposits in order to extract estrogens from them. Before menstruation, the development of estrogen is also reduced. That is why women in this period rises appetite - I want to constantly eat something calorie or sweet.

  1. Testosterone

Men's hormones are also produced in the body of women. Excess testosterone can lead to a weight gain, rash on face and infertility. During menopause, testosterone level, on the contrary, decreases sharply. This leads to a slowdown in metabolism and, as a result, to a weight gain. Normalize testosterone level in the body can be used. Use more products rich in fiber: linen seeds, whole grain porridge, pumpkin seeds, fresh vegetables. Do not forget to regularly play sports.

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