Jam, pink water and oil: how to use rose petals

It turns out that the rose is not only a beautiful flower, but also useful.

In addition to wonderful fragrance, the rose has a huge number of healing properties. Its petals are used in cosmetology, traditional medicine and cooking. Today we will share with you the most useful recipes. But remember that for the manufacture of home cosmetics and various sweets, it is important to use only roses grown in our own garden. So you will be absolutely confident in the naturalness of the ingredients and the lack of chemicals.

Pink water

To prepare a pink water you will need 50 g of rose petals, 1 l of cold water and 250 g of sugar. Mix all the ingredients in deep containers and insist within 2-3 hours. Then strain the mixture through the sieve. Ready cosmetic product must be stored in the refrigerator. Pink water can be used as tonic. For larger skin moisturizing, add 1 h. L. olive oil. Also with pink water you can rinse your hair or add to the bath.

Pink oil

Rose oil helps narrow the pores and smooth wrinkles. After its use, the skin becomes velvet and silky. You can prepare it as follows. Mix in equal proportions. Fresh rose petals and refined olive oil. After two days, strain the mixture. Then add a new portion of petals to the oil. Now insist oil for one day in a dark, cool place. This procedure must be repeated at least 8-10 times until the oil acquires the characteristic flower flavor. The finished product is stored in a tightly closed capacity no longer than 3-5 months.

Salt for bath

"Pink Salt" perfectly tones and moisturizes the skin, eliminates the peeling and saturates the body of the energy. Prepare it at home very simple. Grind in a blender or coffee grinder dry rose petals to a powder condition and mix with sea salt. Then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Personal salt in the jar, good and let it stand for a week.

Cosmetic ice

Fill fresh or dry petals (you can use tea rose buds) boiling water. Give fluids for about an hour. The resulting infusion is cooled to room temperature and pour into ice molds. Wipe the face with ice cube every morning. Such a procedure helps to refresh the skin and improve the complexion.


Magnificent fragrant pillows and air fresheners are obtained from roses. Dry petals and buds put into small bags of natural fabric and touch tightly. The composition can be diluted with spices or fragrant herbs. And for greater aroma, hesitate to sachet with essential oils.


In hot summer days, such a lemonade is perfectly quenched thirst. For its preparation, mix fresh petals with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Insist the mixture in a warm place. A week later, the resulting liquid formed in the container and mix with gas or lemon water.


From rose petals, you can cook delicious jam, which diversifies your tea drinking in winter. You will need 1.5 kg of sugar, 700 g of tea rose petals, 2 lemons juice and 3 glasses of water. To begin with, combat flowers, getting rid of dry and sluggish petals, rinse well with water and dried with a paper napkin. Then pumped the petals of half sugar, add lemon juice. Give the mixture in the day. From the remaining sugar, weld the syrup. Fill them with a pink mixture and boil on slow heat for 10 minutes, constantly stirring and removing the foam. Boil the finished jam on pre-sterilized banks and tightly tighten the covers.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: Roses / flowers
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