9 unusual lifehams that will help you start to eat right

Adhere to healthy food is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You just need to know a few useful lifehaks.

Our daily habits directly affect the fact that and as we eat. It is worth a little change to change how you find that it is not so difficult to stick to healthy food, as it seems at first glance. For example, you will automatically stop moving if you have a small plate. Read about other useful lifehaki in our article.

1. Eat from small plates

The more plate, the more food in it is placed. In the course of one interesting study, psychologists have found that if we reduce the diameter of the plate only 5 cm, then for the year you will eat 22% less food. Moreover, even if you take your will in the fist, and begin to simply impose less food to a large plate - this trick will not work. You will unconsciously think that there is no hungry. Fortunately, our brain is easy to fool. It is only worth choosing a smaller dish. In this case, after meals, you will feel full and happy.

2. Do not forget about the Rule "Healthy Plate"

When you eat, always adhere to a simple rule - half of the plates fill in salads and cold processing vegetables or cooked for a pair. The second half should occupy slow carbohydrates and proteins. The exception can only be breakfast. At this time, the day can be preferred to carbohydrates.

3. Replace salt on spices

Salt delays fluid in the body. It becomes the cause of edema and increase pressure in vessels. So when you are preparing yourself lunch or dinner, use more favorite spices and fragrant herbs: ginger, turmeric, oregano, basil. They give dishes a more rich taste. And this means that you will use salt on the machine.

4. Keep Water is always at hand

We drink coffee, tea or sweet soda to quench thirst. Try to always carry a bottle of fresh water with you or keep it on your desktop. Then you will be much less likely to be tempted to drink the next portion of not a very useful drink.

5. Use high glasses

We are not always able to get rid of bad habits. But there is a way out. Drink alcohol and sweet lemonades from high narrow glasses. Our brain is inclined to overestimate vertical lines. That is, if you drink beer from a high glass, you will seem that you drank a drink more than it really is.

6. Buy plates whose color contrasts with food

When the color of the plate coincides with the color of food, the brain is difficult to distinguish one of the other. It is better to use blue or green dishes. These colors are strongly contrasted with pasta, potato casserole and other calorie dishes. Thus, you will be less to put them on the plate. And it means to eat less.

7. Keep useful products in plain sight

Each of us has a bad habit of grabbing the first thing, which will come to hand when we are hungry and rushing. Put a plate with fruits or nuts on the prominent place. If you can not get rid of snacks, then let them be at least useful.

8. Frozen food wrap in foil

If you keep harmful products in a closed form, for example, in foil, the likelihood that you want to eat them, much less useful products, on the contrary, it is better to store in transparent packaging and in sight.

9. In the supermarket, use the rules of the "External Ring"

When you come to the supermarket, try unlikely not to wander around the passages. So the risk of buying something completely unnecessary. Instead, build your route only on an external perimeter. There usually place useful products: vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts and fruits. So you will buy only useful food.

Categories: Beauty
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