6 secrets of male psychology that will help better understand men

We will tell about the weakest and vulnerable places of male psychology!

All men by nature are hunters and conquerors. They should be the first to show the initiative and invite women to a date - such a secret truth promotes our society. But let's take the truth. Not every man manages to meet these standards. We will tell about the weakest and vulnerable places of male psychology, the knowledge of which will help you better understand men and more efficiently with contacts with them.

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1. Men are more afraid of failures

To succeed in personal life, men have much more often risking and faced with refusal compared to women. When a woman is afraid to take the first step, she can hint in many ways to hint a fan of his sympathy, expecting a response and initiative from him. Men in this regard is much more difficult. He can build a woman's eyes as much as you like, but until he decides to approach her and tie a conversation, nothing happens. This may be an insurmountable obstacle to many men who are not confident in their attractiveness. Therefore, do not hurry the next time to condemn the guys in the misinterpretation - remember the natural fear to face the refusal.

2. Men are more difficult to attract attention

To fucked your pride, a woman sometimes sufficiently burst and go out. Most likely, she will receive his stake. The man, if he does not have the appearance of Tom Hardy, a high status, an expensive car - has no guarantees, especially if he is shy and does not have a bright sense of humor.

3. Men are not accustomed to trusting their intuition

Emancipation has greatly liberated women (let and not everyone). With men, everything is more complicated. They are still building relationships with women, guided by the standards and templates generally accepted in society, not too trusting their intuition. In the personal life of a man is not inclined to improvisations and any initiative by a woman can permanently knock them out of the gauge. Here is such a strange paradox.

4. Men are afraid to seem weak

Girls are not ashamed to ask for help. Even, on the contrary, the image of a weak and fragile woman is encouraged in society. Men from birth inspire the idea that being weak and vulnerable is bad. Perhaps such a strategy helps to achieve success in his career, but not in personal life. The false sense of excellence prevents many men to self-improve. Few of them are ready to seek help from a specialist to develop the necessary skills in themselves and become a more attractive partner.

5. Men are hard to understand what women really want

Boys from childhood learn to be gentlemen. Simply put, they should give up to girls and indulge their whims. Over time, such young men turn into eternal fructants. After all, the stereotype that girls like bad guys are not so far from the truth. Adult men commemorated to guess what women actually want. Most often, they make the wrong conclusions, and all because conflicting tips hear all their lives.

6. Men are experiencing greater pressure from society

Men, like women, are susceptible to serious gender discrimination. After all, society obliges them to be more initiative, experienced and temperamental in relations with the opposite sex. And do not care if it does not fit the inner world of each individual man. Tie the acquaintance, do not customize the partner for some generally accepted standards. After all, every man, like a woman, is unique and requires its unique approach.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: men / psychology
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