5 ways to cook yogurt without milk

Yogurts from vegetable milk - an excellent alternative for those who suffer from lactose intolerance or simply decided to abandon animal food. They contain a lot of useful vitamins, trace elements, probiotics. At the same time, it is quite easy to prepare them.

Yogurts from vegetable milk - an excellent alternative for those who suffer from lactose intolerance or simply decided to abandon animal food. They contain a lot of useful vitamins, trace elements, probiotics. At the same time, it is quite easy to prepare them. Here are the 5 most simple ways to cook home yogurt without milk.

From coconut milk

Coconut milk yogurt with tropical notes is an excellent choice for fast and nutritious breakfast. To make it preparation you will need 1 liter of coconut milk, spawn bag and 7 grams of gelatin.

Instruct gelatin in warm water according to the instructions. Well warp coconut milk, but do not bring to a boil and mix with dissolved gelatin. Cool the milk to room temperature, pour the burst bag and move thoroughly. Send a mixture to yogurtnitz or thermos per day. Keep the milk needed in the refrigerator for 5 days.

From cashew

Yogurt from cashew nuts has tonic properties, and also acts as a powerful aphrodisiac. You need 1 cup of raw cashew nuts, 1 cup of water, buxas bag, 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice and chopping salt.

Soak nuts in water for 6-7 hours or at night. In the morning we rinse the nuts and put in a blender. Add all ingredients, except fried, and grind into homogeneous cleaner. Add Zavskaya, mix and leave in the yogurney for the night. Cashew yogurt is stored in the refrigerator no more than 3-4 days.

From oatmeal

Oat yogurt regulates metabolism and promotes weight normalization. To make it cooking, you do not even need Zakvaska from the store. Only water, oatmeal and cereals.

Take 200 g of cereals and flakes, rinse them well and pour cold water overnight. In the morning, resolve, send to the blender and grind. The resulting mixture is broken into the glass container, cover the gauze and leave in the kitchen to wander, stirring regularly. After 2-3 days, yogurt will be ready. If you want an indoor, leave another day. To separate the cake, the finished product skip through the sieve and remove into the refrigerator.

From almond hairs

Almond milk is rich in vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other important trace elements. You will need 2 cups of raw almonds, 4 glasses of water, agar-agar for density, starters and sweetener (honey, sugar, syrup agave).

Soak the almond overnight. Clean the skin and grind in a blender by adding water and sweetener. Wipe the mixture through the gauze. The resulting milk is well warmed up, add agar-agar and boil a few minutes. Cool the mixture to room temperature, interfere with Zakvask and send to the yogurtney for a day.

From soy milk

This is perhaps the easiest way to prepare a vegetable yogurt at home. You need organic soy milk and buxes bag from the store.

Open the pack of milk and poucher there dry starter. Close the lid and shake carefully. Slightly open the package to get the air, close the roof and shake again. It is very important. If the yoghurt is not broken - then you mixed badly. Send a ready-made mixture in Yogurtnitz, a thermos or a multicooker on the "Yogurt" mode. After 12-15 hours, yogurt will be ready.

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