Top 7 trendy haircuts in 2020
The beginning of the new year is excellent time for change. After all, it is not in vain that the new haircut is capable of changing the fate of a person. To be in a trend, we have gathered the most relevant options for you. Here

The beginning year is excellent time for change. After all, it is not for nothing that the new willing is capable of changing the fate of a person. To be in the trend, we have collected the most relevant options. There is exactly what you like!
Elongated bob
Bobpo still does not lose its relevance. This season, stylists advise the preference of its elongated variation. The perfect length is on the sailboatimeters below the chin level.

Shoulder-length hair
This year can be called the year of medium length. Previously, such a haircut, in principle, did not exist. Hair to the shoulders were, so to speak, the transitional stage of the brother-proof kara and long hair. Now the fashionista is purposefully choosing such a hair length. Why not?

"Under Pot"
Haircut "under the pot", like a leopard print, most of the time is caught by theantitrend. But at a certain point, the star converge - and Voila hated "pot" at the peak of popularity. At this time, the fashion on the "pot" introduced the brilliant warts of the thermal.

Straight bob
The short, straight bob in the style of the 20s looks very impressive and stylish. In addition, onnerverteably simple in laying. Hairdressers advise to experiment with the forms of girls with a circular face form. She visually "pull out" face and stylish.
Davidboui, the genus Steward, Alexey Glysin, Finally, haircut Mallett was mega Passed the 70s. It can be treated in different ways, but the fact that it will become a hit of this eti-convey, that's for sure. True, in noticeable rebirth. "New", the improvement of the manlett promises to be more feminine. Such an effect is obtained due to the cheering transition from short hair to long.
Kudri to shoulders
Kudryavyavasy to shoulders - hot trend of the coming year. He especially is relevant, of course, for girls with curly hair. If Nature has not awarded with web, do not despair. An experienced wizard will help you transform.
A la Jein Birkin
Long hair with thick, ripped bangs - one more greetings from the past. In the 60s, such a haircut gained a wide popularity thanks to the actress Jane Birkin. As they say, all new is well forgotten old.

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