10 main gastronomic trends of 2020

What gastronomic novelties expect us in the coming new year?

Cankygastronomical new items of us expecting the coming new year? BananaMaMuk, a syrup from a bathata, non-alcoholicomartini and Jean Tonic - read about these and the most common food trends in our pass.

Higher Food

Despite the fact that, the trend on the cooking vegetarian flowing fades, popularity products do not give positions. Experts advise to mix the animal and vegetable food in the nurse, with a noticeable predominance of the latter. Achetoba reduce the amount of harmmelle in the cutlets, for example, add to mince as much as possible ingredients.

Dipia marinated vegetables

The timeless society is not enough for it. It is not surprising that among the Adepts of a healthy power supply is greater popularity to use fermented imarinated vegetables, all kinds of dice of legumes and grain other products by a long shelf life.

Alternatives Flour

Currently, the years was noticeable demand for softenutenuum and nut flour. Noxperts argue that it was at all. In the future, Bananova, coconut, as well as absolutely new types of vegetable, will be especially popular.


On the change of Stevia Icken Syrup will come even more surprising natural sugar substitutes. For example, coconut syrup or sweet robes.

Soft drinks

Founded by wasteless coffee, both the isyzalcohol drinks will enter. According to dancers, in 2022, the demand for chickens will increase by 40%. So they are not surprised when the next non-alcoholic djitonik, martini or rum is noticed.

West Africankukhnya

PopularitySerial-intentional, Japanese, Vietnamesekukhni will fuss on average. Among the new Favorites is an exotic African, especially dishes characteristic of the West Coast of the Sulti Continent. A large number of vegetables: tomatoes, onions, ginger, chili peppers are a vibrant variety of aromatic spices. Almost popular will be local cereals. For example, sorghum, millet, Bulgur.

Menstty products

Popularity milk, tofu and other exequers will fall. Instead, manufacturers to switch the ninegenation mixtures from different specimen and legumes. Cannabis seeds, Masha, Oats, buckwheat - these products are ideal for creating creamy structures and milk.

Regenerative Economy

The founder is the creator of this system of conducting a farmer from Brazil'erst Gotch. The essence of the innovation is to turn from the processing of farmed chemicals and focus on the restoration of its quality. Such a "method" is applicable to any corner, regardless of the quality of the climate.


Kurinenaggets and fish sticks without breading, falafel, shawarma and burgers, alternative flour species - Fast Food, as it turns out, can also be very complete.

Exotic vegetable oil

Already, the chef restaurants for cooking uses a wide variety of vegetable oils: hemp, pumpkin, avocado oil or walnut. They say soon the mega will be popular with watermelon seeds.

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