Ghost Flowers Flowers Artist from New York Anna Kincade

In the works of Anna Kincaid there is something powerful and magnetic. Hidden in the colors of the faces of girls cause a lot of questions in consciousness. Who are these strangers? What is their story? When a person's personality is hidden, such a big anonymity and intrigue arises ...

In worksAnna Kincade There is something powerful and magnetic. Hidden in the colors of the faces of girls cause a lot of questions in consciousness. Who are these strangers? What is their story? When a person's personality is hidden, such a big anonymity and intrigue arises ...

To create a certain atmosphere to give the mood, Anna uses the body of the body. Posture, various postures: Sensual or provocative - Izhenchev begin to live their own. Although each viewer is free to self-powder plot paintings.

Through flowers, they are here are aimwind of femininity, the vitality of beauty. In addition, they are creating a masquerade creative effect. A stranger, which hides his face can be able to anyone.

Незнакомка | Призрачные девушки-цветы художницы из Нью-Йорка Анны Кинкейд | Her Beauty

In order to brighter their feelings and at least to introduce the audience with their strangers, Anna gives pictures of intriguing names: "bold intentions", "disarmed", "the secrets that we store." How do you like?

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