What to cook with a pear? 10 interesting recipes

September is not only time apples, but also pears. With it, too, you can cook the lot of everything interesting. And remember: From Autumn Handra, you can get rid of the night if you pamper yourself with something delicious.

September is not only the time of apples, but also pears. Snah, too, you can cook a lot of lucky. And remember: from the autumnhandra, you can get rid of you to get rid of themselves if you have something delicious.

Yoghurt cupcake with pear and oatmeal

Kekscke yogurt is wet, juicy low. Pleasant addition to stente coffee. What do you think?

Йогуртовый кекс с грушей и овсяными хлопьями | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Salad with mozzarella and caramelized pear

What does it take to compare with the taste of caramelized pear and homochokella? Here, we still do not know yet.

Салат с моцареллой и карамелизированной грушей | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Pork stuffed with pears

The pear will make meat especially gentle sophisticated. If you like unusual vibrant combinations, this recipe is a vacuor.

Свинина, фаршированная грушами | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Compote from pears with honey and ginger

Socompotes well tones, it is inexpensive with energy. Especially he is good in the time of year, when it is easy to easily popular.

Компот из груш с медом и имбирем | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Smoothie with pear, grapefruit and bran

Charging and vitamins with this smoothie are vitamin. Plus - vegetable fiber, so necessary for our health.

Cмузи с грушей, грейпфрутом и отрубями | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Pears and vanilla jam

If you like to make homemade billets Iggare, try cooking a oreginal jam. It will be excellent to the pancakes or pancakes.

 Варенье из груш с маком и ванилью| Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Chocolate Pie Cake

This simpatic cake is prepared without flour, the equanka whipped proteins and cream. The pie is obtained by very gentle and a thin pear aroma.

Шоколадный пирог с грушами   | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Lazy strudel with pears and cinnamon

Lazinschortel with pears and cinnamon prepare simple. After all, it does not need dough for him. Just buy in advance the emagazine thin, Armenian Lavash.

Ленивый штрудель с грушами и корицей | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Warm salad with pear, lentils, baked tomatoes and maple syrup

Pear, lentils, maple syrup - hardly came up something like that. This salad is very unusual and bright.

Теплый салат с грушей, чечевицей, печеными томатами и кленовым сиропом | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Marinated pears, grapes and tangerines

Marinated fruit is something incredible. They will easily turn any salad or snack into the original dish. Try to experiment this year.

Маринованные груши, виноград и мандарины | Что приготовить с грушей? 10 интересных рецептов | Her Beauty

Categories: Food&Travel
Tags: pear / recipes
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