Babushkina Lifehaki for the kitchens that are relevant and nowadays

What to do with the burnt porridge? How to save savings soup? With such problems in the kitchen, you will be helped by not high technologies, but useful lifcins. We checked - it works!

Follow with the burnt porridge? Like spastaped soup? With such a problem, the kitchen will help you do not handle high-work technologies, but useful grandmotherifhaki. We checked - it works!

Spasting Soup

Power Supplement can be saved by throwing purified potatoes into the pan in the pan. Laying for a minute of boiling, she will absorb an extra salt at Sev.

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Defozing the fast meat

Commanded once, when you defrostamaso, pour it a little quantity. Ksyusus or lemon juice. Such a procedure will only speed up the process of defrosting, but will make it more gentle.

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Swifting egg

If you need to cook a cracked egg, simply add to the water for cooking of a bellium-mone juice or vinegar.

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Cut through bread

Fresh bread is satisfied, and it is difficult to cut into slices. Well, with the help of a special knife with tips. Solving the problem is simple - on how to cut bread, heat the shovel with fire or lower them in boiling water.

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Spastyre from "Testing"

If it did not turn into a hand film, just lubricate the sliced ​​sliced ​​oil cheese. This will protect it again.

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If you want to quickly degrease the soup or pour on the surface of the ice dish. When fat will bring up close drips around the ice, assemble its back and throw away with the rest skums.

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Savior-hospitable porridge

If you burned the porridge, do not hurry to die. Slice of white bread will help get rid of unpleasant. Just put it on top of the porridge, I place for 10 minutes until it is absuated Gary.

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Spastibannes from rotting

Banananvyatuet gas that accelerates ripening instructs. Therefore, never keep them with one cluster or next to enefructs. Separately they persist longer.

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Makedeal salad with beets

Cut the beets on the grater of the beet, lubricate the ingratic oil and connect the ingredients for salad. So the beet does not blur the salad, the salad will work out beautiful and neat.

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So that the bread did not become fast worm, put a slice of celery. This will help save his soft texture.

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