Not france united: wines in different countries of the world

Without a doubt, the French know the lot in wine. Their Burgundy is a recognized standard of quality and taste. But other countries also have something to boast. Tarts of Chianti's wines, strong port wine and resinous recycling - these drinks have a lot of fans around the world.

Unlimited, the French know the lot in wine. And Burgundy - recognized refinery and taste. But other countries too run than boast. Tarts Vinalti, Strong Portine and Smetolesin - These drinks have masspackles around the world.

Chianti, Italy

Cyanti's soul wines are the main thing worthy of thelytalian winemakers. Clean, ruby-red color, cheerful taste, berry-violet fragrance. Cyanti is perfectly combined with traditional blooms of Italian cuisine, solids and fruits. Solo he also very much. The most famous Italian is made from the grapes of Sorthasanjoveza, which grows exclusional hills of Tuscany. Although it is permissible to hinge with other varieties, but not more than 25%. A few hours before the tastinglockulka with Chianti, they are advised to open, beautifully saturated with oxygen.

Rioja, Spain

Ryoha-dry wine of the oily, dark ruby-bouquet with an excellent aroma of spice berries. They produce it in the same name in the north of Spain. The base of the forbear is a local grapemalo grade. Another feature of the rhic - excerpt in the giant 225-liters produced from the American coat. Older, wine is noble by saturated notes. Unlike Frenchwin, Spanish Rioja has a painful, deep, screaming taste. So wine will be a great addition to a good steak, dishes from veal lamb and weathered cheeses.

Recina, Greece

Recinitive is a unique Greek white, a tableoevino with a characteristic coniferous smell. Compounds of its local varietybile grapes. At the fermentation stage, the resin is added. Nowhere in the world will not be chosen by anything like this. It is prohibited by the resinous wine in the critical items of the world. The wine is easy enough, the solar trees got used to the thirst for thirst in the heat. Although everything is not so unequivocal for foreigners. The diamellographic directions are divided into the diamellographic directions: either taking care of the first throat, or nourish it to disgust to the self-dog life.

Orangevina, Georgia

Among the huge bouquet of Georgian wines, orange engaged, honorable place. They are served by the best restaurants in Paris, London Inu-York. Its name is the wine of the use of a saturated amber color, sometimes even moving in the frank. In fact, orange wine is winning to a variety of white wine, as it is made of white varietyvinograd. But the production technology is saturated, the spicy taste is relating to it with spray wines. In Georgia, orangeevino is still manufactured by the diagnostic, ancient traditions: for making huge claying resources of Quaveri, buried the Earth on the neck.


Portwine-legendary fastened wine of the Valley of the Varoupoglia River Valley. The main secret ingredientwine is brandy added to a non-coating at the fermentation stage. Such a unique method will significantly "extends" to the life of the alphabetic, maintains the natural support and increases the flow of the drink.

Etna, Italy

Easy graceful red wine ethna manufacturing autochthonous grape variety Maskalosis, which grows as a skill of the acting volcano Etna Nasitsilia. For the last few letter-solid ethna, international popularity. And the local models are confident that their vineyardity is a great potential, and that their Maskalosis can be folded into the famous French Noir.

Jerez, Spain

Cultoevino from Spain, which is also expensive to meet the name "Sherry". It is made of tart, white grades growing in the south of the country of the province of Andalusia. The sherry sufficient drink, its fortress can be up to 22%. However, the noble taste of the almond-nut aroma makes it possible. Among his fans, those who do not tolerate the fastened wines in the Spirit tolerate.

Vistara, Balkans

The famous South Wine is made from the local grape variety of the same name. An unusual dark red color, sometimes even gaining purple, rich, tart taste and a long-term aftertaste of tobacco and caramels - these are the main characteristics of the rocket. Wine is made literally in all countries of the Balkan Peninsula. Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro are main suppliers.

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