10 legendary female pioneers

To conquer Everest, go to space, make alone around the world on a sailing vessel - for women under the power.

To conquer Everest, go to space, make alone around the world on a sailing vessel - for women under the power. Waving stereotypes and prejudices!

Sophia Kovalevskaya
Sophia Kovalevskaya is the first woman who was awarded the title of professor of mathematics at the University of Stockholm. For his outstanding talents in mathematics, Sophia even received the nickname "New Pascal".

Amelia Erhart.
Amelia Erhart is one of the first pilots. In 1922, it rose to a record height - 4300 meters. Until now, not a single woman managed to beat this record. And after 10 years, in 1932, Amelia independently crossed the Atlantic on his plane.

Valentina Tereshkova
Valentina Tereshkova - First woman who conquered space. It happened on June 16, 1963. What does Valentine's flight committed alone. Repeat such a feat until no woman was solved.

Diana Abgar.
Diana Abgar - the first woman diplomat in the history of mankind. Thanks to her professionalism, hundreds of Armenian refugees managed to avoid violent death and safely move from the Ottoman Empire in the United States in the 20s of the last century.

Catherine Bigelou
Catherine Bigelou is the first and while the only female director who was awarded the Oscar premium for his military drama "Lord of the Storm".

Hell Lovelace
Hell Lovelace was a brilliant mathematician and the daughter of the Great Byron. She first predicted the appearance of computing machines and wrote several algorithmic programs for them. Not by chance, one of the languages ​​for programming is the name of hell.

Lucy Hobbs Taylor
Lucy Hobbs Taylor is the first in history certified dentist. Female, of course. In 1866, she took up his own practice. And thanks to her efforts, hundreds of other Americans were able to become graduate specialists.

Dzünko Tabay
Dzunko Tabay is the first woman who managed to conquer the vertex of Everest. In 1975, this was a real sensation for the global community. In the next 20 years of his life, Dzюнко consistently conquered the remaining seven greatest mountain peaks of the world. Repeat the exploits of this bold Japanese has not yet been possible to other women.

Ellen Macarur.
Ellen MacArthur is the first woman who has committed solitary round-the-world swimming. Her voyage lasted 71 days 14 hours 18 minutes 33 seconds. For 2005, these were absolutely record indicators.

Camilla du Gass
Camilla du Gass is the first woman in the world. In 1901, she took part in the International Paris-Berlin International. Camilla also felt good at the helm of the sports boat. In 1904 she managed to win the sea racing Algerian toulon.

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