Top 10 Dog breeds for lazy owners

We have collected for you a list of the most unpretentious in the content of dogs. For them, of course, care is also needed, but it will not take you too much trouble.

The decision to make a pet is a very responsible step in the life of every person. Especially if you want to buy a dog. Daily walks in the fresh air, training, hikes to grocery. But the modern man sometimes does not have enough time even on himself ... But, fortunately, you can always find a compromise. We have collected for you a list of the most unpretentious in the content of dogs. For them, of course, care is also needed, but it will not take you too much trouble.

Miniature Pug is an ideal companion for living in the apartment. Due to the peculiarities of the physical structure, long walks and large physical exertion are contraindicated with these dogs. Despite its funny appearance, pugs are very tender and sensitive creatures. Perhaps their main drawback - they are loudly snoring at night.

French Bulldog
French Bulldog - a funny minimum version of this Bulldog. This dog adores human attention and hugs. And instead of active walks in the park, he will gladly give preference to lying on the rug in front of a TV with a rubber bone in the teeth.

French Bologun
Terribly cute, playful, but not too active dogs. The need for physical exertion is minimal for them. In addition, they are incredibly smart and fine with children. Their white, pleasant to the touch wool is considered hypoallergenic.

This is the smallest breed of dogs in the world. Chihuahua may well fit into a small lady's handbag. Faithful and extremely jealous, they are very quickly tied to their owner. The appearance of a child or other pet can seriously upset the little Chihuahua.

This breed of dogs brought on the island of the same name, in order to help local residents fish. We, by the way, newfulandes are often called divers. Due to the fact that there was practically no game on the island, these dogs completely absent a hunting instinct. They are extremely delicate and loving. Remember, in a fairy tale about Peter Foam, a huge Newfalande was a kind of nanny for children. And this has its own proportion of truth.

Pagl is a fairly young dog breed, obtained by crossing beagle and pug. Final miniature, playful, these dogs do not require careful care. Inherited from the pug, they had a shortened nasal cavity, so active and long-lasting physical exertion represent a serious threat to health.

English bulldog
Muscular bulldogs are contraindicated heavy physical exertion. But due to the fact that these dogs are very quickly gaining overweight, the physical activity is needed to them. In minimal doses. A short walk in the air is quite suitable.

Basset Hound
Incredibly lazy, but at the same time a very faithful, friendly and calm dog. It is almost impossible to provoke Basset Hound to aggression. They adore children and generally human society. And their short wool will not deliver you extra hassle.

These are very calm, friendly and affectionate dogs. Despite its impressive dimensions, bullmastiffs are very unpretentious creatures. They are little active. Completely their favorite occupation - lie on the sofa and let droach. Therefore, life in the apartment is completely inconveniences. The undoubted plus is their smooth, short wool, which practically does not learn.

In China, in the homeland of Pekingese, there is a belief that this breed was obtained by crossing the lion and monkey. That is why this dog has such a proud temper and funny appearance. In everyday life, these little dogs are quite capricious and selfish. They are better to acquire childless couples. But the care for him is minimal. He definitely will not take you a lot of trouble.

Categories: Lifestyle
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