What is feminism and why not be afraid of him?

In the West be feminist fashionable. A practically every adult girl is counted to the league of strong women. Our expanses have developed a completely different situation. Feminists do not understand, they are avoided, and that even worse - despise. Why it happens? - Let's try to figure out.

In the West be feminist fashionable. A practically every adult girl is counted to the league of strong women. Our expanses have developed a completely different situation. Feminists do not understand, they are avoided, and that even worse - despise. To admit to the company of men that you are a feminist, it's akin to putting on yourself. Where does such a break template? In the notorious mentality? Or in the monstrous amount of stereotypes, enveloping feminism? Let's try to figure it out.

Who and why came up with feminism?
Feminism is not the desire of women to bring men and deprive them of all right. This is not a desire to combine male and female toilets or along with men to carry bags and sleepers. Strictly speaking, feminism is the struggle of women for women's rights. Started this struggle of the fusion in the late 19th century. They advocated the provision of basic rights to women. For example, own property. At that time, such behavior was considered outrageous. The soul fusion was beaten, imprisoned. They declared a hunger strike. The second serious wave of feminism swept the society in the 60s of the last century. Its main achievement was the balancing of the legal and social rights of men and women.

Feminism is not a religion
The stereotypical image of feminists is a woman who hates men, does not use cosmetics, it does not shave the armpits, it does not carry heels and a lot more "not." The whole charm is that feminists are all different. There is no single law or canons, for whose violation is expelled from feminists. The feminist can be a housewife with a dozen children, a pretty blonde with silicone breast or doctor of science. The outer shell does not displays the essence of feminism.

Feminists are not against men
Turning to the higher point, repeat: feminists are different. Like all people. Some of them really do not like men. Especially those who survived violence from their part. Among feminists there are many women who built happy and strong marriages. Many of them are not averse to the man to pay for them in the restaurant, served a coat and opened the car door. They find it romantic and beautiful. There are also ladies preaching "special" feminism, like "a woman should not, and the man is obliged." But it has nothing to do with genuine feminism.

All feminists have problems in personal life
Feminism for some reason is often associated with dissatisfaction in relationships. The phrase: "She would have a normal man, she would not be a feminist ..." - everyone is heard. How are satisfaction in relation to the fact that women have been infringed in rights over the centuries? People have too primitive concept about feminism. Speaking by justice, feminists are much more open and honest with men. They are less likely to endure unsatisfying relations for the purpose of material enrichment.

Are there any feminists among men?
Strictly speaking, a man cannot be a feminist. At least because it cannot experience the experience peculiar to women. But among men there are those who willingly support women in their pursuit of emancipation. They call themselves professionalinists.

Feminists just with fat silent?
Achievements of feminists of the second wave are truly phenomenal. Such with women did not happen in history. Modern women should always remember which titanic efforts have attached different kinds of activists and human rights defenders for their welfare. Currently, many believe that feminism has exhausted itself. Women have long gained all rights. And now strive for solid privileges. Partly and this is true. But, in general, it is a pretty superficial look at the position of a woman in the world. So, according to statistics, every third woman in the world survived homemade violence from a man. At the same time, in many countries, including Russia, domestic violence is not considered to be something criminal. For the beatings, a man relies only to pay a fine. In Russia, as in many other countries of the world, there are still children's marriages. In most cases, juvenile girls forcing for marriage. So say that feminism has exhausted itself, too early.

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